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Username: gvi.alves@campus.fct.unl.pt
Vilela-Alves, Mr Guilherme (Portugal) (IUCr ID: 35280) orcid logo
Biographical information
Name: Guilherme Vilela-Alves
Gender: Male
Current position: PhD Student
Institution type: University
Highest degree: MSc awarded by NOVA School of Science and Technology of the NOVA University of Lisbon (2022) in Biochemistry for Health
Address(es): Department of Chemistry, NOVA School of Science and Technology, Campus de Caparica, Caparica, Portugal, 2829-516, Portugal (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): gvi.alves@campus.fct.unl.pt
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
No e-mail alerting to this address
Contact number(s)
Telephone number(s): 212948300 Landline
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: enzymes, macromolecular crystallography, metalloproteins, structural biology, time-resolved studies
Permission for IUCr to contact: Yes
Permission to distribute details: No
Included in World Directory: Yes

(Diniz Lopes) Alves, Professor Haimon (1988) (Brazil) (IUCr ID: 17840)
Biographical information
Name: Haimon (Diniz Lopes) Alves
Current position: Professor
Highest degree: Master in Nuclear Engineering awarded by COPPE/UFRJ (2012) in Microtomography
Address(es): Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, -, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941-972, Brazil (map)
Email preferences
Contact number(s)
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: imaging, materials science, X-ray diffraction, X-ray optics, XAFS
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: No
Included in World Directory: Yes

Alves de Santana, Miss Maria (1987) (Brazil) (IUCr ID: 25551)
Biographical information
Name: Maria Alves de Santana
Informal name: Silmara
Current position: Postgraduate Student
Institution type: Universidade Federal do Ceará
Highest degree: Graduation awarded by Universidade Federal do Ceará (2015) in Crystal Engineering
Address(es): Physics Department, Federal University of Ceara, Campus do Pici 6030, Fortaleza, Cearaacute, 60.455-760, Brazil (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): silmara@fisica.ufc.br
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
E-mail alerting to this address for:
   Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry
   Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications
   Journal of Applied Crystallography
   IUCr Newsletter
Contact number(s)
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: chemical crystallography, crystal engineering, crystal growth, polymorphism, X-ray diffraction
General interests: - Polymorphism, - Hydrates, - Mixed Solutions, - Solvates, - Inclusion Compounds, - Pharmaceutical Cocrystal
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes