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Matthews, Dr Brian W. (1938) (USA) (IUCr ID: 7255)
Biographical information
Name: Brian W. Matthews
Current position: Professor of Physics; Member, Institute of Molecular Biology; Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Highest degree: PhD awarded by U. Adelaide (1964) in Protein Crystallography
Address(es): Institute of Molecular Biology, Howard Hughes Medical InstituteUniversity of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 97403, USA (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): brian@uoregon.edu
Main address
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   IUCr Newsletter
Contact number(s)
Telephone number(s): 1(541)3462572
Fax number(s): 1(541)3465870
IUCr role(s)
Member, Commission on Biological Macromolecules (2008-2014)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Detailed scientific research interests: macromolecular structure function, protein crystallography
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes

Matthews, Professor Stephen (1966) (United Kingdom) (IUCr ID: 24430)
Biographical information
Name: Stephen Matthews
Current position: Professor
Address(es): Life Sciences, Imperial College Lodno, Exhibition Road, London, London, Sw7 2AZ, United Kingdom (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): s.j.matthews@imperial.ac.uk
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
E-mail alerting to this address for:
   Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology
   Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communications
Contact number(s)
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: macromolecular crystallography, structural biology
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: No
Included in World Directory: Yes

Matthews, Dr David A. (1943) (USA) (IUCr ID: 7256)
Biographical information
Name: David A. Matthews
Current position: Distinguished Research Fellow, Head of Crystallography
Institution type: Pharmaceutical Company
Highest degree: PhD awarded by U. Illinois, Urbana (1971) in Physical Chemistry
Address(es): Crystallography, Pfizer-La Jolla, 10770 Science Center Dr , San Diego, CA, 92121, USA (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): davem2@cox.net
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
E-mail alerting to this address for:
   IUCr Newsletter
Contact number(s)
Telephone number(s): 1(858)6223016
Fax number(s): 1(858)6788156
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes