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Xiong, Dr Jian-Ping (1965) (USA) (IUCr ID: 7929)
Biographical information
Name: Jian-Ping Xiong
Current position: Assistant Professor of Medicine
Highest degree: PhD awarded by P.R. China (1994) in Protein crystallography
Address(es): Massachusetts General Hospital, 149 13th Street, Charlestown, MA, 02129, USA (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): xiong@helix.mgh.harvard.edu
Main address
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E-mail alerting to this address for:
   IUCr Newsletter
Contact number(s)
Fax number(s): 1(541)3465135
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Detailed scientific research interests: biocrystallography mutagenesis replication
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes

Xiong, Dr Yi (China) (IUCr ID: 15776)
Biographical information
Name: Yi Xiong
Current position: researcher
Address(es): Physics department, Luojiashan road, Wuhan, Hubei, 430072, China (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): xiongyi@whu.edu.cn
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
E-mail alerting to this address for:
   Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances
   Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials
   Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry
   Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications
   Journal of Applied Crystallography
   IUCr Newsletter
Contact number(s)
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: cryocrystallography, electron microscopy, metals, minerals, phase determination
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes

Username: IUCr197404
Xiong, Professor Dr Liangbin (China) (IUCr ID: 29920)
Biographical information
Name: Liangbin Xiong
Current position: teacher
Address(es): Jiaotong Road, Xiaogan, 432100, China (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): xiong_lb@yahoo.com
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
No e-mail alerting to this address
Contact number(s)
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: electron microscopy, semiconductors, teaching and education
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: No
Included in World Directory: Yes