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Vonasek, Dr Eva Maria (1953) (Venezuela) (IUCr ID: 8057)
Biographical information
Name: Eva Maria Vonasek
Informal name: Eva
Current position: Professional Staff
Institution type: Research
Highest degree: Doctorate awarded by UCV - Venezuela (1997) in Cell Biology
Address(es): Structural Biology Lab of Molecular Structure L, Venezuelan Institution of Scientific Research IVIC, IVIC Km 11 Carretera Panamericana - Miranda Apdo 21827, Caracas, 1020-A, Venezuela (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): vonasek@ivic.gob.ve
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Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: biological crystallography, small-angle scattering, structural biology, structure-activity relationships
Detailed scientific research interests: myelin
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes