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Results 1 to 10 of 11, sorted by name.

Ahmed, Dr Haouz (1967) (France) (IUCr ID: 23154)
Biographical information
Name: Haouz Ahmed
Current position: Head of Platform of Crystallography
Address(es): Structural Biology and Chemistry, Institut Pasteur of Paris, 25 rue du Dr Roux, Paris, 75724, France (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): ahaouz@pasteur.fr
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
E-mail alerting to this address for:
   Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology
   Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communications
   Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
Contact number(s)
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: crystal growth, enzymes, instrumentation, proteins, structural biology
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes

Ahmed, Mr Alauddin (1973) (USA) (IUCr ID: 10839)
Biographical information
Name: Alauddin Ahmed
Informal name: Joy
Current position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Institution type: University
Highest degree: MSc awarded by University of Chittagong (2001) in Physics
Address(es): Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 2800 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, USA (map)
  Centre for Molecular Simulation, Swinburne University of Technology, 27 Wakefield Street, Hawthorn , Victoria, 3122, Australia (map)
Email preferences
Contact number(s)
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: liquid crystals, macromolecular crystallography, molecular modelling, phase determination, XAFS
Detailed scientific research interests: Dendrimers and branched polymers
General interests: Branched polymers
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: No
Included in World Directory: Yes

Ahmed, Dr Ejaz (1978) (United Arab Emirates) (IUCr ID: 26641)
Biographical information
Name: Ejaz Ahmed
Current position: Researcher
Institution type: University
Highest degree: PhD awarded by Dresden University of Technology Germany (2011) in Chemistry
Address(es): Chemistry, New York University, Sadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, 129188, United Arab Emirates (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): ea79@nyu.edu
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
E-mail alerting to this address for:
   Journal of Applied Crystallography
   Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
Contact number(s)
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: chemical crystallography, crystal chemistry, data collection and processing, diffuse scattering, X-ray diffraction
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes

Ahmed, Mr Fazle Rabbi Shakil (Bangladesh) (IUCr ID: 27262)
Biographical information
Name: Fazle Rabbi Shakil Ahmed
Current position: PhD Fellow
Institution type: University
Highest degree: M.Pharm awarded by Rajshahi University () in Pharmacy
Address(es): Biochemistry amp Molecular Biology, University of Rajshahi, 6205, Rajshahi, Rajshahi, 6205, Bangladesh (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): frshakil@gmail.com
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
E-mail alerting to this address for:
   Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances
   Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials
   Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry
   Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology
   Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications
   Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communications
   Journal of Applied Crystallography
   Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
   IUCr Newsletter
Contact number(s)
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: drug design, nanomaterials, natural products, proteins, teaching and education
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes

Ahmed, Dr Sabiyah Jannat (1992) (United Kingdom) (IUCr ID: 24394)
Biographical information
Name: Sabiyah Jannat Ahmed
Current position: Application Scientist
Institution type: Imperial College London University
Highest degree: MSci awarded by Queen Mary university of London (2014) in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Address(es): Surface Measurement Systems Ltd, -, London, -, -, United Kingdom (map)
  Chemical Engineering , Imperial College London University , South Kensington Campus , London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): sahmed@surfacemeasurementsystems.com
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
E-mail alerting to this address for:
   IUCr Newsletter
Contact number(s)
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: antibodies, biological crystallography, chemical crystallography, macromolecular crystallography, proteins
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes

Ahmed, Dr Maqsood (1982) (Pakistan) (IUCr ID: 12492)
Biographical information
Name: Maqsood Ahmed
Current position: Associate Professor (Physical Chemistry)
Institution type: A Public Sector University
Highest degree: Ph.D awarded by CRM2, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France (2012) in Ultra high resolution X-rays crystallography
Address(es): Materials Chemistry Laboratory Department of Chemistry, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Baghdad-ul-Jadeed Campus, Bahawalpur, 63100, Pakistan (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): Maqsood.ahmed@iub.edu.pk
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
E-mail alerting to this address for:
   Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances
   Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials
   Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry
   Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology
   Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications
   Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communications
   Journal of Applied Crystallography
   Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
   IUCr Newsletter
Secondary address (non-public)
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
E-mail alerting to this address for:
   IUCr Newsletter
Contact number(s)
Telephone number(s): +92(0)3216746041
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: biological crystallography, charge density, chemical crystallography, computer graphics, X-ray diffraction
Permission for IUCr to contact: Yes
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes

Ahmed, Ms Sharmin (1992) (Bangladesh) (IUCr ID: 26986)
Biographical information
Name: Sharmin Ahmed
Current position: Student
Institution type: University
Highest degree: MS awarded by University of Dhaka (2016) in Chemistry
Address(es): Department of Chemistry, University of Dhaka, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Dhaka, 1000, Bangladesh (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): sharminahmed18@yahoo.com
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
No e-mail alerting to this address
Contact number(s)
Telephone number(s): +8801675217077
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: chemical crystallography, inorganic compounds, nanomaterials, oxides, powder diffraction
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes

Ahmed, Dr Faheem (1983) (Korea, Republic of) (IUCr ID: 19379)
Biographical information
Name: Faheem Ahmed
Current position: Researcher
Institution type: University
Highest degree: PHD awarded by Changwon National University (2012) in Nanotechnology
Address(es): School of Nano amp Advanced Materials Engineering, Changwon National University, -, Changwon, 641773, Korea, Republic of (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): faheem030@gmail.com
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
E-mail alerting to this address for:
   Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances
   Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials
   Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications
   Journal of Applied Crystallography
Contact number(s)
Telephone number(s): +821072636411
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: materials science, oxides, powder diffraction, Rietveld method, X-ray diffraction
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes

Ahmed , Dr Abu Zafur Ziauddin (1972) (Bangladesh) (IUCr ID: 36100)
Biographical information
Name: Abu Zafur Ziauddin Ahmed
Gender: Male
Current position: Faculty
Institution type: Educational
Highest degree: Ph.D. awarded by University of Dhaka (2011) in Threoretical Physics
Address(es): Department of Basic Sciences, 12-Kemal Ataturk Avenue Banani, Dhaka, Dhaka, 1213, Bangladesh (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): azzahmed@primeasia.edu.bd
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
E-mail alerting to this address for:
   Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances
   Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials
   Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology
   Journal of Applied Crystallography
   IUCr Newsletter
Contact number(s)
Telephone number(s): 1712947118 Mobile This is my personal cell number which is available all the time.
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: alloys, ceramics, materials science, nanomaterials, surfaces
Detailed scientific research interests: Ab-initio calculations, liquid metals, magnetic perovskite materials, numerical methods and simulation techniques, topological properties of charge distribution
Permission for IUCr to contact: Yes
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes

Abdallah Ahmed, Dr Atef Mohamed (1938) (Egypt) (IUCr ID: 1835)
Biographical information
Name: Atef Mohamed Abdallah Ahmed
Current position: lecturer
Highest degree: PhD awarded by Assiut U. (1976) in physics
Address(es): Physics, Assiut University, -, Assiut, -, Egypt (map)
Email preferences
E-mail address(es): atef.ahmed1@science.au.edu.eg
Main address
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
E-mail alerting to this address for:
   IUCr Newsletter
Secondary address (public)
No preference, either HTML or plain text messages
E-mail alerting to this address for:
   IUCr Newsletter
Contact number(s)
Telephone number(s): 20(88)23311011
IUCr role(s)
Other role(s)
Scientific interests
Scientific research interests: X-ray diffraction
Detailed scientific research interests: Mossbauer
Permission for IUCr to contact: No
Permission to distribute details: Yes
Included in World Directory: Yes

List from result number:  1