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Due to their rich structural chemistry and wide variety of applications, borate materials have provided a rich area of research. In a continuation of this research, diethylammonium bis­(2-oxidobenzoato-κ2O1,O2)borate, C4H12N+·BO4(C7H4O)2, (1), and propyl­ammonium bis­(2-oxidobenzoato-κ2O1,O2)borate, C3H10N+·BO4(C7H4O)2, (2), have been synthesized by the reaction of boric acid with salicylic acid under ambient conditions. In both structures, the B atom exhibits a slightly distorted tetra­hedral environment formed by the bidentate coordination of two salicylate anions via the O atoms of the central carboxyl­ate and oxide groups. In the crystals of salts (1) and (2), mixed cation–anion layers lying parallel to the (101) plane are formed through N—H...O, C—H...O and C—H...π/N—H...O hydrogen-bonding inter­actions, resulting, in each case, in a two-dimensional supra­molecular architecture in the solid state. The photoluminescence properties of the salts were studied using the as-synthesized samples and reveal that salts (1) and (2) both display a strong blue-light emission, with maxima at 489 and 491 nm, respectively. In DFT/TD–DFT (time-dependent density functional theory) studies, the blue emission appears to be derived from an intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) excited state. In addition, IR and UV–Vis spectroscopies were used to investigate the title salts.

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Crystallographic Information File (CIF)
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Structure factor file (CIF format)
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Additional spectra for the title salts

CCDC references: 1824122; 1824121

Computing details top

For both structures, data collection: APEX2 (Bruker, 2006); cell refinement: SAINT (Bruker, 2006); data reduction: SAINT (Bruker, 2006); program(s) used to solve structure: SIR2002 (Burla et al., 2003); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2008); molecular graphics: ORTEP-3 (Farrugia, 2012); software used to prepare material for publication: WinGX (Farrugia, 2012), Mercury (Macrae et al., 2008) and POVRay (Persistence of Vision, 2004).

Diethylammonium bis(2-oxidobenzoato-κ2O1,O2)borate (1) top
Crystal data top
C4H12N+·C14H8BO6Z = 2
Mr = 357.16F(000) = 376
Triclinic, P1Dx = 1.290 Mg m3
Hall symbol: -P 1Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
a = 9.050 (5) ÅCell parameters from 13321 reflections
b = 10.006 (5) Åθ = 2.8–26.1°
c = 11.082 (5) ŵ = 0.10 mm1
α = 69.207 (5)°T = 293 K
β = 79.497 (5)°Prism, colourless
γ = 82.267 (5)°0.2 × 0.15 × 0.08 mm
V = 919.8 (8) Å3
Data collection top
2284 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: fine-focus sealed tubeRint = 0.039
Graphite monochromatorθmax = 26.1°, θmin = 2.8°
φ and ω scansh = 1110
13321 measured reflectionsk = 1212
3606 independent reflectionsl = 1313
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullSecondary atom site location: difference Fourier map
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.043H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.109 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0458P)2 + 0.1985P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.01(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
3606 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.19 e Å3
274 parametersΔρmin = 0.19 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. Bond distances, angles etc. have been calculated using the rounded fractional coordinates. All su's are estimated from the variances of the (full) variance-covariance matrix. The cell e.s.d.'s are taken into account in the estimation of distances, angles and torsion angles

Refinement. Refinement of F2 against ALL reflections. The weighted R-factor wR and goodness of fit S are based on F2, conventional R-factors R are based on F, with F set to zero for negative F2. The threshold expression of F2 > σ(F2) is used only for calculating R-factors(gt) etc. and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. R-factors based on F2 are statistically about twice as large as those based on F, and R- factors based on ALL data will be even larger.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
O10.83098 (16)0.87636 (14)0.66089 (11)0.0421 (5)
O20.72121 (14)0.73657 (13)0.56181 (12)0.0360 (4)
O30.72312 (14)0.99002 (13)0.46970 (11)0.0364 (4)
O40.95483 (14)0.83694 (13)0.46664 (11)0.0346 (4)
O50.62009 (15)0.53441 (13)0.67911 (12)0.0398 (5)
O61.08247 (15)0.82111 (15)0.28245 (13)0.0433 (5)
C10.7364 (2)0.6487 (2)0.78710 (18)0.0377 (7)
C20.8033 (2)0.7708 (2)0.77583 (18)0.0375 (7)
C3A0.8301 (11)0.7962 (12)0.8873 (10)0.0390 (18)0.67 (2)
C4A0.7914 (10)0.6917 (7)1.0076 (6)0.0517 (18)0.67 (2)
C5A0.7236 (13)0.5703 (7)1.0212 (7)0.063 (2)0.67 (2)
C6A0.6926 (12)0.5499 (9)0.9109 (9)0.046 (2)0.67 (2)
C70.68974 (19)0.63418 (18)0.67348 (17)0.0282 (6)
C80.84761 (19)0.95780 (18)0.27212 (16)0.0269 (6)
C90.7320 (2)1.02006 (18)0.34000 (17)0.0294 (6)
C100.6242 (2)1.1175 (2)0.27304 (19)0.0389 (7)
C110.6333 (2)1.1505 (2)0.1409 (2)0.0442 (7)
C120.7473 (2)1.0871 (2)0.07208 (19)0.0425 (7)
C130.8527 (2)0.9911 (2)0.13810 (17)0.0360 (7)
C140.9697 (2)0.86598 (19)0.33957 (17)0.0314 (6)
B10.8077 (3)0.8624 (2)0.5416 (2)0.0331 (7)
C5B0.810 (4)0.533 (3)1.0020 (17)0.101 (8)0.33 (2)
C3B0.873 (4)0.762 (3)0.878 (3)0.086 (8)0.33 (2)
C4B0.874 (4)0.655 (3)0.9903 (17)0.105 (9)0.33 (2)
C6B0.756 (3)0.526 (3)0.901 (2)0.069 (6)0.33 (2)
N10.69787 (16)0.32588 (16)0.56209 (14)0.0325 (5)
C150.8622 (3)0.4782 (2)0.3760 (2)0.0494 (8)
C160.7489 (2)0.3670 (2)0.41928 (18)0.0416 (7)
C170.5678 (2)0.2349 (2)0.61138 (19)0.0407 (7)
C180.5242 (3)0.1990 (2)0.7550 (2)0.0533 (8)
H3A0.871700.879100.880500.0460*0.67 (2)
H4A0.812100.704001.082100.0620*0.67 (2)
H5A0.698900.502901.103400.0760*0.67 (2)
H6A0.642800.470800.919300.0550*0.67 (2)
H3B0.925700.840400.867800.1020*0.33 (2)
H4B0.916000.662001.058300.1270*0.33 (2)
H5B0.805500.455501.079800.1200*0.33 (2)
H6B0.728600.438100.905100.0830*0.33 (2)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.0652 (10)0.0394 (8)0.0244 (7)0.0279 (7)0.0028 (6)0.0073 (6)
O20.0463 (8)0.0359 (8)0.0289 (7)0.0151 (6)0.0051 (6)0.0108 (6)
O30.0451 (8)0.0348 (7)0.0290 (7)0.0009 (6)0.0013 (6)0.0133 (6)
O40.0342 (8)0.0383 (7)0.0278 (7)0.0039 (6)0.0066 (6)0.0055 (6)
O50.0474 (9)0.0308 (7)0.0462 (8)0.0121 (6)0.0032 (6)0.0178 (6)
O60.0307 (8)0.0550 (9)0.0414 (8)0.0058 (7)0.0024 (6)0.0175 (7)
C10.0497 (13)0.0309 (11)0.0322 (11)0.0121 (9)0.0084 (9)0.0060 (9)
C20.0480 (12)0.0370 (11)0.0263 (11)0.0144 (9)0.0061 (9)0.0050 (9)
C3A0.058 (3)0.037 (4)0.026 (2)0.013 (2)0.0087 (18)0.011 (2)
C4A0.078 (4)0.055 (3)0.026 (2)0.025 (3)0.014 (3)0.0083 (18)
C5A0.108 (6)0.049 (3)0.028 (2)0.031 (3)0.012 (3)0.0030 (19)
C6A0.068 (5)0.034 (3)0.037 (2)0.022 (3)0.014 (3)0.0023 (19)
C70.0270 (10)0.0246 (10)0.0345 (11)0.0006 (8)0.0012 (8)0.0138 (8)
C80.0261 (10)0.0284 (10)0.0239 (9)0.0072 (8)0.0008 (7)0.0056 (8)
C90.0348 (11)0.0239 (9)0.0279 (10)0.0082 (8)0.0027 (8)0.0057 (8)
C100.0379 (12)0.0299 (11)0.0459 (13)0.0012 (9)0.0060 (9)0.0108 (9)
C110.0447 (13)0.0337 (11)0.0481 (13)0.0028 (10)0.0185 (10)0.0008 (10)
C120.0439 (13)0.0491 (13)0.0285 (11)0.0126 (10)0.0079 (9)0.0014 (10)
C130.0323 (11)0.0448 (12)0.0282 (11)0.0107 (9)0.0012 (8)0.0089 (9)
C140.0304 (11)0.0320 (10)0.0306 (11)0.0063 (8)0.0029 (8)0.0087 (8)
B10.0423 (14)0.0327 (12)0.0250 (11)0.0109 (10)0.0033 (10)0.0084 (9)
C5B0.16 (2)0.093 (12)0.042 (8)0.071 (14)0.043 (10)0.024 (7)
C3B0.16 (2)0.055 (13)0.050 (9)0.063 (13)0.027 (13)0.002 (7)
C4B0.14 (2)0.127 (15)0.049 (8)0.087 (15)0.041 (10)0.011 (8)
C6B0.080 (13)0.053 (8)0.061 (8)0.029 (9)0.026 (9)0.014 (6)
N10.0316 (9)0.0321 (9)0.0383 (9)0.0004 (7)0.0095 (7)0.0160 (7)
C150.0558 (14)0.0435 (13)0.0418 (12)0.0055 (11)0.0025 (10)0.0076 (10)
C160.0458 (13)0.0475 (12)0.0348 (11)0.0000 (10)0.0124 (9)0.0159 (9)
C170.0355 (12)0.0409 (12)0.0536 (13)0.0077 (9)0.0087 (10)0.0228 (10)
C180.0539 (15)0.0540 (14)0.0562 (15)0.0247 (11)0.0010 (11)0.0208 (11)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
C2—O11.342 (2)C10—C91.396 (3)
B1—O11.433 (3)C11—C101.371 (3)
C7—O21.309 (2)C12—C111.389 (3)
B1—O21.500 (3)C13—C121.370 (3)
C9—O31.349 (2)H3A—C3A0.9300
B1—O31.445 (3)H3B—C3B0.9300
C14—O41.318 (2)H4A—C4A0.9300
B1—O41.478 (3)H4B—C4B0.9300
C7—O51.228 (2)H5A—C5A0.9300
C14—O61.219 (2)H5B—C5B0.9300
C16—N11.487 (2)H6A—C6A0.9300
C17—N11.488 (3)H6B—C6B0.9300
C6B—C11.43 (2)H12—C120.9300
C7—C11.458 (3)H13—C130.9300
C2—C11.392 (3)C16—C151.506 (3)
C6A—C11.400 (10)C18—C171.490 (3)
C3B—C21.37 (3)H15A—C150.9600
C3A—C21.414 (11)H15B—C150.9600
C4A—C3A1.390 (13)H15C—C150.9600
C4B—C3B1.32 (4)H16A—C160.9700
C5A—C4A1.383 (12)H16B—C160.9700
C5B—C4B1.38 (5)H17A—C170.9700
C6A—C5A1.390 (13)H17B—C170.9700
C6B—C5B1.33 (4)H18A—C180.9600
C13—C81.395 (3)H18B—C180.9600
C9—C81.385 (3)H18C—C180.9600
C14—C81.471 (3)
C2—O1—B1121.52 (16)C5A—C4A—H4A119.00
C7—O2—B1124.92 (15)C5B—C4B—H4B122.00
C9—O3—B1117.58 (15)C3B—C4B—H4B122.00
C14—O4—B1120.97 (15)C4A—C5A—H5A120.00
C16—N1—C17114.80 (15)C6A—C5A—H5A120.00
C6A—C1—C7119.2 (4)C1—C6B—H6B119.00
C2—C1—C6A119.7 (4)C9—C10—H10120.00
C2—C1—C6B116.3 (12)C11—C10—H10120.00
C2—C1—C7120.38 (17)C10—C11—H11119.00
C6B—C1—C7120.9 (12)C12—C11—H11119.00
C1—C2—C3B116.1 (13)C13—C12—H12121.00
C1—C2—C3A121.2 (5)C11—C12—H12121.00
O1—C2—C1121.75 (17)C12—C13—H13119.00
O1—C2—C3A116.7 (5)C8—C13—H13119.00
O1—C2—C3B120.2 (14)N1—C16—C15110.53 (16)
C2—C3A—C4A117.0 (9)N1—C17—C18111.18 (17)
C2—C3B—C4B127 (3)C16—C15—H15A109.00
C3A—C4A—C5A122.8 (8)C16—C15—H15B109.00
C3B—C4B—C5B117 (3)H15A—C15—H15C109.00
C4A—C5A—C6A119.4 (7)H15B—C15—H15C109.00
C4B—C5B—C6B119 (2)C16—C15—H15C110.00
C1—C6A—C5A119.8 (8)H15A—C15—H15B109.00
C1—C6B—C5B123 (3)N1—C16—H16A110.00
O2—C7—O5119.77 (16)C15—C16—H16B110.00
O2—C7—C1116.84 (16)N1—C16—H16B110.00
O5—C7—C1123.36 (17)C15—C16—H16A110.00
C13—C8—C14120.50 (16)H16A—C16—H16B108.00
C9—C8—C13119.47 (17)N1—C17—H17B109.00
C9—C8—C14119.88 (15)C18—C17—H17A109.00
O3—C9—C8121.12 (16)N1—C17—H17A109.00
O3—C9—C10119.27 (17)H17A—C17—H17B108.00
C8—C9—C10119.60 (16)C18—C17—H17B109.00
C9—C10—C11119.81 (18)C17—C18—H18A109.00
C10—C11—C12121.13 (18)H18B—C18—H18C109.00
C11—C12—C13118.95 (18)H18A—C18—H18C109.00
C8—C13—C12121.02 (18)H18A—C18—H18B110.00
O4—C14—C8116.77 (16)C17—C18—H18B109.00
O4—C14—O6120.34 (17)C17—C18—H18C109.00
O6—C14—C8122.85 (16)O1—B1—O4109.52 (19)
C2—C3A—H3A122.00O2—B1—O3107.50 (18)
C4A—C3A—H3A121.00O2—B1—O4105.24 (15)
C2—C3B—H3B116.00O3—B1—O4112.28 (15)
C4B—C3B—H3B116.00O1—B1—O3108.88 (16)
C3A—C4A—H4A119.00O1—B1—O2113.45 (16)
B1—O1—C2—C16.6 (3)C2—C1—C7—O23.5 (3)
B1—O1—C2—C3A179.9 (5)C2—C1—C7—O5174.32 (18)
C2—O1—B1—O212.2 (3)C6A—C1—C2—C3A1.0 (8)
C2—O1—B1—O3131.84 (18)C6A—C1—C7—O54.1 (6)
C2—O1—B1—O4105.0 (2)C6A—C1—C2—O1172.1 (5)
B1—O2—C7—O5178.83 (18)C6A—C1—C7—O2173.7 (5)
B1—O2—C7—C13.2 (3)C1—C2—C3A—C4A2.1 (11)
C7—O2—B1—O110.8 (3)O1—C2—C3A—C4A175.5 (7)
C7—O2—B1—O3131.24 (17)C2—C3A—C4A—C5A2.8 (14)
C7—O2—B1—O4108.90 (18)C3A—C4A—C5A—C6A0.3 (15)
B1—O3—C9—C818.1 (3)C4A—C5A—C6A—C12.9 (15)
B1—O3—C9—C10163.06 (19)C14—C8—C9—O34.8 (3)
C9—O3—B1—O1158.45 (16)C14—C8—C9—C10174.07 (18)
C9—O3—B1—O278.3 (2)C9—C8—C13—C121.6 (3)
C9—O3—B1—O437.0 (2)C14—C8—C13—C12173.79 (18)
B1—O4—C14—O6166.55 (18)C9—C8—C14—O46.1 (3)
B1—O4—C14—C815.6 (3)C9—C8—C14—O6171.75 (19)
C14—O4—B1—O1157.80 (16)C13—C8—C14—O4178.51 (17)
C14—O4—B1—O279.9 (2)C13—C8—C14—O63.7 (3)
C14—O4—B1—O336.7 (2)C13—C8—C9—C101.4 (3)
C16—N1—C17—C18179.94 (17)C13—C8—C9—O3179.76 (17)
C17—N1—C16—C15170.41 (17)C8—C9—C10—C110.2 (3)
C7—C1—C2—O12.0 (3)O3—C9—C10—C11179.04 (18)
C7—C1—C2—C3A171.1 (5)C9—C10—C11—C120.9 (3)
C2—C1—C6A—C5A3.5 (11)C10—C11—C12—C130.6 (3)
C7—C1—C6A—C5A173.8 (7)C11—C12—C13—C80.6 (3)
Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º) top
N1—HA···O50.901.912.779 (3)162
N1—HB···O6i0.901.892.783 (3)171
C17—H17A···O3ii0.972.473.383 (3)157
C18—H18C···Cg1iii0.962.683.573 (3)155 (1)
Symmetry codes: (i) x+2, y+1, z+1; (ii) x, y1, z; (iii) x+1, y+1, z+1.
Propylammonium bis(2-oxidobenzoato-κ2O1,O2)borate (2) top
Crystal data top
C3H10N+·C14H8BO6F(000) = 720
Mr = 343.13Dx = 1.361 Mg m3
Monoclinic, P21/cMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Hall symbol: -P 2ybcCell parameters from 13759 reflections
a = 11.529 (5) Åθ = 3.0–25.0°
b = 8.885 (5) ŵ = 0.10 mm1
c = 17.216 (5) ÅT = 293 K
β = 108.308 (5)°Prism, colorless
V = 1674.3 (13) Å30.25 × 0.15 × 0.08 mm
Z = 4
Data collection top
2395 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: fine-focus sealed tubeRint = 0.021
Graphite monochromatorθmax = 25.0°, θmin = 3.0°
φ and ω scansh = 1313
13759 measured reflectionsk = 910
2937 independent reflectionsl = 2020
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullSecondary atom site location: difference Fourier map
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.050H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.154 w = 1/[Σ2(FO2) + (0.0934P)2 + 0.2978P]
where P = (FO2 + 2FC2)/3
S = 1.09(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
2937 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.23 e Å3
226 parametersΔρmin = 0.25 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. Bond distances, angles etc. have been calculated using the rounded fractional coordinates. All su's are estimated from the variances of the (full) variance-covariance matrix. The cell e.s.d.'s are taken into account in the estimation of distances, angles and torsion angles

Refinement. Refinement of F2 against ALL reflections. The weighted R-factor wR and goodness of fit S are based on F2, conventional R-factors R are based on F, with F set to zero for negative F2. The threshold expression of F2 > σ(F2) is used only for calculating R-factors(gt) etc. and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. R-factors based on F2 are statistically about twice as large as those based on F, and R- factors based on ALL data will be even larger.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.73685 (11)0.37010 (14)0.31029 (7)0.0493 (4)
O20.62630 (9)0.50406 (13)0.18544 (7)0.0442 (4)
O30.52299 (10)0.37165 (14)0.26389 (6)0.0445 (4)
O40.63604 (10)0.23584 (13)0.18857 (7)0.0455 (4)
O50.71769 (12)0.66275 (16)0.12628 (8)0.0592 (4)
O60.54284 (13)0.08825 (14)0.08470 (7)0.0560 (4)
C10.84223 (14)0.52620 (19)0.24101 (10)0.0433 (5)
C20.84163 (14)0.43206 (19)0.30517 (10)0.0437 (5)
C30.95041 (17)0.4028 (2)0.36734 (12)0.0589 (6)
C41.05781 (17)0.4655 (3)0.36401 (15)0.0689 (7)
C51.05973 (18)0.5586 (3)0.30045 (15)0.0697 (8)
C60.95227 (17)0.5898 (2)0.23930 (14)0.0584 (7)
C70.72606 (15)0.56923 (19)0.17959 (10)0.0424 (5)
C80.41897 (14)0.24106 (18)0.14018 (9)0.0411 (5)
C90.41691 (14)0.33136 (19)0.20576 (9)0.0396 (5)
C100.30679 (16)0.3794 (2)0.21366 (11)0.0512 (6)
C110.19952 (17)0.3388 (3)0.15534 (13)0.0646 (7)
C120.20020 (18)0.2509 (3)0.08903 (14)0.0699 (8)
C130.30898 (17)0.2018 (2)0.08171 (11)0.0568 (6)
C140.53601 (16)0.18277 (18)0.13487 (9)0.0426 (5)
B10.63163 (16)0.3710 (2)0.23856 (11)0.0411 (6)
N10.52463 (13)0.22527 (16)0.07278 (8)0.0473 (5)
C150.8480 (2)0.3759 (3)0.02313 (19)0.0926 (10)
C160.74249 (17)0.2653 (3)0.00065 (13)0.0635 (7)
C170.62215 (17)0.3379 (2)0.04290 (13)0.0592 (6)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.0425 (7)0.0611 (8)0.0382 (7)0.0072 (5)0.0038 (5)0.0059 (5)
O20.0360 (6)0.0472 (7)0.0447 (6)0.0026 (5)0.0061 (5)0.0055 (5)
O30.0387 (6)0.0585 (8)0.0351 (6)0.0095 (5)0.0101 (5)0.0075 (5)
O40.0435 (6)0.0468 (7)0.0451 (6)0.0006 (5)0.0123 (5)0.0044 (5)
O50.0544 (7)0.0614 (8)0.0615 (8)0.0012 (6)0.0176 (6)0.0200 (7)
O60.0823 (9)0.0451 (7)0.0448 (7)0.0064 (6)0.0261 (6)0.0085 (6)
C10.0367 (8)0.0431 (9)0.0487 (9)0.0003 (7)0.0113 (7)0.0042 (7)
C20.0377 (8)0.0450 (9)0.0435 (9)0.0011 (7)0.0056 (7)0.0064 (7)
C30.0471 (10)0.0659 (12)0.0512 (10)0.0014 (9)0.0023 (8)0.0006 (9)
C40.0405 (10)0.0749 (14)0.0755 (14)0.0011 (9)0.0046 (9)0.0076 (12)
C50.0385 (10)0.0739 (14)0.0930 (16)0.0090 (9)0.0153 (10)0.0144 (13)
C60.0471 (10)0.0563 (11)0.0737 (13)0.0036 (8)0.0217 (9)0.0008 (9)
C70.0444 (9)0.0403 (9)0.0432 (9)0.0001 (7)0.0148 (7)0.0010 (7)
C80.0461 (9)0.0401 (9)0.0337 (8)0.0078 (7)0.0076 (7)0.0040 (7)
C90.0400 (8)0.0424 (9)0.0338 (8)0.0086 (6)0.0079 (6)0.0031 (6)
C100.0456 (9)0.0579 (11)0.0508 (10)0.0048 (8)0.0160 (8)0.0000 (8)
C110.0409 (10)0.0785 (14)0.0702 (13)0.0036 (9)0.0113 (9)0.0069 (11)
C120.0475 (11)0.0844 (16)0.0627 (12)0.0137 (10)0.0044 (9)0.0018 (11)
C130.0553 (11)0.0615 (12)0.0436 (10)0.0119 (9)0.0011 (8)0.0057 (8)
C140.0577 (10)0.0370 (9)0.0328 (8)0.0050 (7)0.0140 (7)0.0049 (7)
B10.0374 (9)0.0478 (11)0.0355 (9)0.0031 (7)0.0079 (7)0.0003 (8)
N10.0507 (8)0.0474 (8)0.0401 (8)0.0023 (6)0.0089 (6)0.0040 (6)
C150.0544 (13)0.110 (2)0.105 (2)0.0073 (13)0.0129 (13)0.0192 (17)
C160.0550 (11)0.0779 (14)0.0564 (11)0.0065 (10)0.0158 (9)0.0041 (10)
C170.0563 (11)0.0485 (10)0.0645 (12)0.0004 (8)0.0071 (9)0.0049 (9)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
C2—O11.355 (2)C9—C81.391 (2)
B1—O11.434 (2)C10—C91.386 (3)
C7—O21.320 (2)C11—C101.374 (3)
B1—O21.484 (2)C12—C111.385 (3)
C9—O31.363 (2)C13—C121.371 (3)
B1—O31.450 (2)H3—C30.9300
C14—O41.318 (2)H4—C40.9300
B1—O41.488 (2)H5—C50.9300
C7—O51.219 (2)H6—C60.9300
C14—O61.225 (2)H10—C100.9300
C17—N11.472 (3)H11—C110.9300
HA—N10.8900C16—C151.517 (4)
C6—C11.398 (3)C17—C161.495 (3)
C7—C11.473 (3)H15A—C150.9600
C2—C11.387 (2)H15B—C150.9600
C3—C21.394 (3)H15C—C150.9600
C4—C31.375 (3)H16A—C160.9700
C5—C41.377 (4)H16B—C160.9700
C6—C51.379 (3)H17A—C170.9700
C13—C81.393 (3)H17B—C170.9700
C14—C81.475 (3)
C2—O1—B1118.16 (13)C3—C4—H4119.00
C7—O2—B1121.89 (13)C5—C4—H4119.00
C9—O3—B1116.04 (12)C4—C5—H5120.00
C14—O4—B1120.88 (14)C6—C5—H5120.00
C6—C1—C7120.45 (16)C11—C12—H12120.00
C2—C1—C6119.48 (16)C13—C12—H12120.00
C2—C1—C7119.83 (15)C8—C13—H13120.00
O1—C2—C1121.61 (15)C12—C13—H13120.00
C1—C2—C3119.71 (16)C15—C16—C17113.3 (2)
O1—C2—C3118.66 (15)N1—C17—C16111.52 (16)
C2—C3—C4119.81 (18)C16—C15—H15C109.00
C3—C4—C5121.1 (2)H15A—C15—H15B109.00
C4—C5—C6119.5 (2)H15B—C15—H15C109.00
C1—C6—C5120.44 (19)C16—C15—H15A109.00
O2—C7—C1116.70 (14)H15A—C15—H15C109.00
O2—C7—O5119.46 (16)C16—C15—H15B109.00
O5—C7—C1123.82 (17)C15—C16—H16A109.00
C9—C8—C14120.13 (14)C17—C16—H16A109.00
C9—C8—C13119.14 (16)C17—C16—H16B109.00
C13—C8—C14120.67 (15)H16A—C16—H16B108.00
C8—C9—C10120.46 (15)C15—C16—H16B109.00
O3—C9—C8120.49 (15)N1—C17—H17B109.00
O3—C9—C10119.05 (14)C16—C17—H17A109.00
C9—C10—C11119.30 (17)N1—C17—H17A109.00
C10—C11—C12120.9 (2)H17A—C17—H17B108.00
C11—C12—C13119.8 (2)C16—C17—H17B109.00
C8—C13—C12120.36 (18)O1—B1—O3108.55 (13)
O4—C14—C8116.55 (14)O1—B1—O4108.69 (14)
O6—C14—C8123.18 (16)O2—B1—O4106.79 (13)
O4—C14—O6120.27 (17)O3—B1—O4111.53 (14)
C4—C3—H3120.00O2—B1—O3108.04 (13)
C2—C3—H3120.00O1—B1—O2113.28 (14)
B1—O1—C2—C115.9 (2)C2—C1—C7—O25.6 (2)
B1—O1—C2—C3165.78 (16)C2—C1—C7—O5172.42 (17)
C2—O1—B1—O232.2 (2)C6—C1—C7—O2180.00 (17)
C2—O1—B1—O3152.24 (14)C6—C1—C7—O51.9 (3)
C2—O1—B1—O486.29 (17)O1—C2—C3—C4179.37 (18)
B1—O2—C7—O5168.78 (15)C1—C2—C3—C41.0 (3)
B1—O2—C7—C113.1 (2)C2—C3—C4—C50.7 (3)
C7—O2—B1—O131.8 (2)C3—C4—C5—C60.2 (4)
C7—O2—B1—O3152.13 (14)C4—C5—C6—C10.8 (3)
C7—O2—B1—O487.78 (17)C13—C8—C9—O3179.97 (16)
B1—O3—C9—C824.3 (2)C13—C8—C9—C101.2 (2)
B1—O3—C9—C10156.82 (15)C14—C8—C9—O32.6 (2)
C9—O3—B1—O1162.62 (13)C14—C8—C9—C10176.27 (15)
C9—O3—B1—O274.17 (17)C9—C8—C13—C120.4 (3)
C9—O3—B1—O442.91 (18)C14—C8—C13—C12177.06 (18)
B1—O4—C14—O6167.70 (15)C9—C8—C14—O48.3 (2)
B1—O4—C14—C813.4 (2)C9—C8—C14—O6170.60 (16)
C14—O4—B1—O1158.21 (14)C13—C8—C14—O4174.32 (15)
C14—O4—B1—O279.25 (17)C13—C8—C14—O66.8 (2)
C14—O4—B1—O338.58 (19)O3—C9—C10—C11179.84 (18)
C6—C1—C2—O1178.71 (16)C8—C9—C10—C111.0 (3)
C6—C1—C2—C30.4 (3)C9—C10—C11—C120.0 (3)
C7—C1—C2—O14.3 (2)C10—C11—C12—C130.9 (4)
C7—C1—C2—C3174.01 (16)C11—C12—C13—C80.6 (3)
C2—C1—C6—C50.5 (3)C15—C16—C17—N1173.86 (18)
C7—C1—C6—C5174.88 (19)
Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º) top
N1—HA···O2i0.89002.50003.233 (3)140.00
N1—HA···O5i0.89001.97002.833 (3)161.00
N1—HB···O60.89002.06002.919 (2)163.00
N1—HC···O3ii0.89002.17002.935 (2)144.00
Symmetry codes: (i) x+1, y+1, z; (ii) x, y+1/2, z1/2.
The calculated optical transitions energies (E) and their corresponding oscillator strengths (f) for salts (1) and (2) top
λ (nm)fE (eV)TransitionCharacter
Diethylammonium bis(salicylato)borate, (1)
2570.0954.83HOMO-4 to LUMOππ*
2270.2145.45HOMO-2 to LUMO+3ππ*
2120.1305.84HOMO-7 to LUMO+1ππ*
Propylammonium bis(salicylato)borate, (2)
2590.094.79HOMO-4 to LUMOππ*
2280.135.43HOMO-2 to LUMO+6ππ*
2150.175.76HOMO-7 to LUMO+1ππ*

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