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Hard X-ray nanodiffraction provides a unique nondestructive technique to quantify local strain and structural inhomogeneities at nanometer length scales. However, sample mosaicity and phase separation can result in a complex diffraction pattern that can make it challenging to quantify nanoscale structural distortions. In this work, a k-means clustering algorithm was utilized to identify local maxima of intensity by partitioning diffraction data in a three-dimensional feature space of detector coordinates and intensity. This technique has been applied to X-ray nanodiffraction measurements of a patterned ferroelectric PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3 sample. The analysis reveals the presence of two phases in the sample with different lattice parameters. A highly heterogeneous distribution of lattice parameters with a variation of 0.02 Å was also observed within one ferroelectric domain. This approach provides a nanoscale survey of subtle structural distortions as well as phase separation in ferroelectric domains in a patterned sample.

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