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Search query: superacid

5 articles match your search "superacid"

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trans-Penta­fluoro­germanate di­hy­dro­gen fluoride represents the first quarternary phase in the system H–Na–Ge–F, and the third Na–Ge–F phase after the X-ray structure analyses of Na2GeF6 and CsNaGeF6. The crystal structure of trans-penta­fluoro­germanate di­hy­dro­gen fluoride consists of chains of [GeF6] octa­hedra and chains of penta­gonal bipyramidal [NaF7] polyhedra. The Raman and IR spectra show the expected vibrational modes.

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In the cation of the title compound, [Pt2(COD)2F(SbF6)2]SbF6·0.75HF, a fluorine atom bridges two platinum atoms. Each platinum atom is furthermore surrounded by a COD ligand and one fluorine atom of the octa­hedral SbF6 anion.

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The Xe atom in Xe(SO3F)2 is linearly bonded to two O atoms of the fluoro­sulfate unit.

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The title salt, (C2H8NO3S)[SbF6], which contains the proton­ated form of taurine (2-amino­ethane­sulfonic acid), was synthesized in anhydrous hydro­fluoric acid and recrystallized as colourless block-shaped crystals from liquid SO2. In the solid state, a three-dimensional network is observed. This is formed by intra- and inter­molecular N-H...O, N-H...F and O-H...F hydrogen bonds.
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