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Search query: silicon thin films

329 articles match your search "silicon thin films"

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Nonstoichiometric SrTiO3 thin films were fabricated by different thin-film deposition methods. The impact on the oxide/silcon interface stability as well as the crystallization onset temperature is investigated.

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This X-ray diffraction study proves that two α polymorphs of copper pthalocyanine (CuPc) co-exist in vacuum-deposited thin films and provides possible molecular configurations by excluded-volume considerations. Furthermore, atomic force microscopy images together with a simple MATLAB simulation show that elevated substrate temperatures facilitate the downward diffusion of CuPc molecules during film growth and lead to a smoother surface.

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Anomalous extra spots visible in electron diffraction patterns of silicon nanowires and silicon thin films are explained by the presence of micro- and nanotwins.

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A polymer thin-film deposition method is shown to produce high-quality substrates suitable for both static and time-resolved M-edge XANES spectroscopy.

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The thickness of a thin film formed on a substrate is easily derived using the spectral separation and log equation, which is a modified version of the formula used in the field of electron spectroscopy.

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Grazing-incidence total X-ray scattering allows for orientational pair distribution function analysis of indium oxide thin films with only a single measurement. Elucidation of information such as effects of film anisotropy on bond lengths in specific orientations relative to the substrate and determination of orientation in X-ray amorphous films is demonstrated.

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Structural parameters of NiSi2 nanoplates and Ni nanospheres grown in different layers of a multilayered sample were determined with improved accuracy from an analysis of grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) patterns recorded independently after successive chemical removals of outer layers.

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Preferred orientation of macromolecules is one of the major issues that are commonly encountered in obtaining isotropic cryo-EM maps. Here, a comprehensive examination was performed of how macromolecule orientations respond to changes in physical factors, such as freezing temperature, and chemical factors, such as the addition of surfactants, for a standard set of macromolecules, which provides insights into their behaviour on grids and can be utilized to address the preferred orientation problem in a systemic manner for any given macromolecule.

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Artificial neural networks trained with simulated data are shown to correctly and quickly determine film parameters from experimental X-ray reflectivity curves.

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This paper reports on quasi-fivefold symmetric electron diffraction patterns observed in multiply twinned silicon thin films after epitaxy breakdown; the weight of twinned orientations compared to that of random microcrystalline orientations is determined. The origins of twinning and multiple twinning during epitaxy breakdown are discussed.
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