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Search query: polar structure

1917 articles match your search "polar structure"

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The unambiguous determination of the crystal structure of two NH4TiOF3 polymorphs is provided. NH4TiOF3 is subject to a second-order phase transition from Pca21 to Pma2 on heating at around ∼453 K.

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AFE crystals could also crystallize in polar point groups. If the dipole moment is reversible along the anti-polar axis under an external electric field, the polar crystal is an AFE crystal.

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Me­thio­nine hy­droxy analogue, a common poultry feed supplement, has been obtained in crystalline form for the first time. The asymmetric unit contains two conformationally unequal mol­ecules that are involved in a two-dimensional inter­molecular hydrogen-bonding network.

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This study investigates the ultrasonic velocity and attenuation and the dielectric, ferroelectric and structural features of Pb0.55Ca0.45TiO3 ceramics from low temperatures up to room temperature. Deconvolution of domain wall pinning and structural effects in ferroelectric properties is shown to be possible.

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A detailed examination of intermolecular interactions via topological analysis of electron density and optical properties has been made of two polar materials containing the hydro­chloro­thia­zide molecule.

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The novel quaternary thio­germanate Li4CdGe2S7 was discovered from a solid-state reaction at 750 °C. The com­pound adopts the Cu5Si2S7 structure type, which is a derivative of lonsdaleite. Li4CdGe2S7 appears to be a better IR nonlinear optical candidate than Li2CdGeS4 and one of the most promising contenders to date.

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The crystal structure of the N-terminal membrane anchoring domain of mycobacterial DivIVA/Wag31 reveals a filament-compatible `dimer-of-dimers' assembly state. The results suggest that, in addition to lipid binding, the N-terminal of Wag31 can participate in self-assembly to form filamentous structures.

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The reactions of Cu(ClO4)2·6H2O and L′H in a variety of solvents have provided access to 12 solvatomorphs of the general formula [Cu(ClO4)2(LH)4x(solvent); the effect of the solvents on the packing of the complexes is critically discussed.

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The crystal structure of the organic–inorganic hybrid title salt is held together by N—H...Cl hydrogen bonds.
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