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Search query: particle shape determination

522 articles match your search "particle shape determination"

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Marbles is novel software that employs SAXS intensities to predict the shape of membrane proteins embedded into membrane nanodiscs.

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A method is described for determining the 3D structure of a sample from X-ray free-electron laser single-particle diffraction patterns by analyzing different orders of spatial correlations of diffraction intensities.

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The influence of polychromaticity on SAXS data analysis is discussed. It is concluded that SAXS data collected in pink-beam mode can be used directly for structural calculations and model reconstructions without a desmearing procedure.

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This article reports the integral transform that determines the particle size distribution from the small-angle scattering intensity under the assumption that the particle correlation function is a polynomial.

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DAMMIF, an enhanced and significantly faster implementation of the ab-initio shape-determination program DAMMIN for small-angle scattering data, is presented.

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The size and size anisotropy of nanocrystals is determined together with the distribution of amorphous phases inside a seven-capillary model reactor filled with various nanomaterials. This is achieved by diffraction scattering computed tomography followed by Rietveld refinement and multivariate analysis of Rietveld backgrounds.

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The effects of bandwidth, spectral shape and high harmonics for undulator sources on SAXS measurements are evaluated quantitatively. Monodisperse and polydisperse systems are explored.

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Reconstruction of an object from the averaged coherent diffracted intensity of finite crystals of that object with arbitrary lattice occupancies is possible. An algorithm capable of reconstructing both the so-called averaged shape transform and the object density at the same time is demonstrated.

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A combined ab initio and rigid-body approach has been developed for small-angle scattering analysis. This provides a previously inaccessible insight into the low-resolution structure of the human cytochrome P450 CYP3A4 when embedded in nanodiscs mimicking a native membrane.

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This paper discusses the execution of numerous simultaneous runs of the programs DAMMIN and GASBOR using Condor, which distributes them over a network of PCs; this has allowed a substantial acceleration of the processing of results. The application of Condor to determine the molecular shape of tissue transglut­aminase is presented, thus demonstrating the efficiency of the approach.
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