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Search query: organic–inorganic crystal

2 articles match your search "organic–inorganic crystal"

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Single-crystal neutron diffraction at 2.5 K and a subset of neutron data collected at 170 K, combined with information from X-ray diffraction at the same temperature, suggest static disorder for the proton in the short intra­molecular hydrogen bond of 3-[2-(pyridin-4-yl)eth­yl]pentane-2,4-dione.

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3-(Pyridin-4-yl)acetyl­acetone (HacacPy) may be used as an N-donor ligand in coordination chemistry and in thermal degradation. After deprotonation of the acetyl­acetone moiety in HacacPy, its metal complexes, Fe(acacPy)3 and Al(acacPy)3, can act as poly(pyridine) bridges between hard and soft metal cations.
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