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Search query: nitroso-ligands

19 articles match your search "nitroso-ligands"

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A new alkaline earth metal three-dimensional polar MOF structure in barium carbamoyl­cyano­nitro­somethanide is governed by bridging coordination of the nitroso- and aqua O-atoms, which support a face-sharing connection of coordination polyhedra.

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The crystallographic analysis of two novel pyrroles is reported. A nitrosyl derivative revealed strong hydrogen-bond inter­actions and bifurcated halogen bonds that lead to inter­stitial voids.

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The mol­ecular [Cu(ccnm)Cl(biq)]·acn complex (acn is aceto­nitrile, biq is 2,2′-bi­quinoline and ccnm is carbamoyl­cyano­nitro­somethanide) was obtained as a result of nucleophilic addition of water to the di­cyano­nitro­somethanide ion in the presence of CuII and biq. The spectral and magnetic properties of the complex were investigated.

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The anthracycline biosynthetic enzyme DnmZ has been structurally characterized in ligand-free and thymidine diphosphate-bound forms.

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In the centrosymmetric title compound, [Cu(C5H11N2O2)2], the Cu2+ ion, located on an inversion centre (Wyckoff position 2b), is in a square-planar environment, surounded by four O atoms of the N—O groups of two N-nitroso-N-pentyl­hydroxy­laminate ligands [Cu—O = 1.9042 (17) and 1.9095 (16) Å]. The hy­droxy­laminate monoanions are bidentate chelating ligands. The Cu2+ cations form stacks along [010], with inter­molecular Cu...N contacts of 3.146 (2) and 3.653 (2) Å.

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Two new chiral cyanide-bridged bimetallic coordination polymers involving the ligand (R)-propane-1,2-di­amine (Lpn) are described. One compound is a zigzag cyanide-bridged chain polymer in which the asymmetric unit consists of two independent chiral {[Cu(Lpn)2][Fe(CN)5(NO)]} units and two water mol­ecules, while the second compound is a two-dimensional cyanide-bridged coordination polymer, in which the asymmetric unit consists of two chiral {[Cu(Lpn)2][Cr(CN)6]} anions bridged by a chiral [Cu(Lpn)2]2+ cation and five water mol­ecules.

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In the title compound, bis(N-nitroso-N-phenylhydroxylaminato)manganese, [Mn(C6H5N2O2)2], the MnII ion has a distorted octahedral coordination defined by four O atoms from two cupferron ligands and two O atoms of the nitroso groups of two adjacent cupferron ligands [Mn-O 2.142 (2)-2.198 (2) Å]. Each nitroso O atom coordinates to two MnII ions resulting in an (-Mn-O-Mn-)n network. The plane of the nitrosohydroxylaminato group is nearly coplanar with that of the phenyl ring.

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The crystal structure of the title compound, C8H10N2O3S, displays predominant C—H...O hydrogen-bonding and π–π stacking inter­actions. The hydrogen bonds are between the O atoms of the sulfonyl group and H atoms on methyl groups. The π–π stacking inter­actions occur between adjacent aromatic rings, with a centroid–centroid distance of 3.868 (11) Å. These inter­actions lead to the formation of chains parallel to (101).

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The self-assembly of cobalt(II) and nickel(II) octahedra formed by cupferronato and neutral N-donor ligands and their NH2 functions leads to extended two-dimensional hexagonal and pseudo-hexagonal grid-type networks. The solvent molecules play a key role in such systems.

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The dimer formed by the isolated N-terminal domain of riboflavin synthase is assumed to closely resemble the riboflavin-binding motif of the native enzyme. The crystallographic analysis of the domain in the presence of bound riboflavin provides an opportunity to acquire structural information on the riboflavin-binding site.
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