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Search query: layering

162 articles match your search "layering"

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The crystal structure of the benzene monosolvate of the well known organic diphosphite ligand C46H44O8P2 (BIPHEPHOS) is reported for the first time. Single crystals were obtained from a benzene solution after layering with n-heptane at room temperature.

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A catalog of techniques, tips, tricks, and encouragement for growing crystals suitable for X-ray crystallography.

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In situ neutron diffraction is demonstrated as a suitable technique to track phase evolution during synthesis of layered oxide compounds. The synthesis of a series of cathode materials for Li-ion batteries with different Ni/Mn ratio is investigated, in batches comparable to standard laboratory conditions, demonstrating the delayed onset of lithiation with increasing Mn content.

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This paper reports the successful implementation of a method that enables the measurement of liquid–liquid and liquid–vapour X-ray reflectivity (XRR) curves using simply a fixed, horizontal source beam, a vertical translation stage and a two-dimensional detector. It will enable studies of liquid interfaces at sources lacking liquid diffractometers, especially ultra-fast XRR measurements via pump–probe techniques at X-ray free-electron lasers.

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The article of Sommer [Acta Cryst. (2024), C80, 337–342] provides a concise and effective introduction to the subject of growing crystals suitable for structure determination.

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In 2,3-di(thio­phen-2-yl)pyrido[2,3-b]pyrazine the thienyl rings are inclined to the mean plane of the pyrido­pyrazine moiety by 6.16 (7) and 86.66 (8)°, where as in the bromo derivative, 7-bromo-2,3-bis­(thio­phen-2-yl)pyrido[2,3-b] pyrazine, the corresponding dihedral angles are 33.29 (11) and 19.84 (9)°.

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Pump–probe experiments are possible on liquid interfaces using the LISA instrument at P08 beamline PETRA III, DESY. The time scales available range from 38 ps to seconds.

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An average statistical structure is presented for pyrrhotite 5C. An order–disorder structure description is proposed for the intermediate pyrrhotites of which 5C is an end member.

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The charge-neutral title compound is a low-spin complex with a moderately distorted pseudo­octa­hedral coordination environment of the metal ion. As a result of the cone shape, the mol­ecules are stacked in one-dimensional columns that are bound by weak hydrogen bonds into layers, which, in turn, are arranged in a three-dimensional lattice bound by weak inter­layer C—H...Cl inter­actions.

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The synthesis of molecular Borromean rings and other links is an active area of chemical research. Hypothetical 1-, 2- and 3-periodic molecular structures are described with the Borromean property that, although no two rings or chains are linked, the structures are interlocked and do not fall apart.
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