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Search query: dimeric cation

402 articles match your search "dimeric cation"

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The crystal structure of (GlyH)6(Pb3I12) is reported. Dimeric cations of type (A+...A+) for the amino acid glycine are observed for the first time.

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The first example of a nonbridging η2-coordination of a tetra­zolato ligand to a d-block element (Zr) is reported. Three related dinuclear 5-phenyl­tetra­zolato com­plexes of Ti, Zr, and Ta are structurally characterized.

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The crystal structure of the first trinuclear copper–pyrazolate (pz) complex with three different terminal ligands, including a strongly binding sulfate, is reported. The sulfate ion also acts as bridging ligand, leading to a dimeric structure, [Cu33-OH)(μ-4-Cl-pz)34-SO4)(DMF)(H2O)]2·4DMF·2H2O.

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The crystal structure is reported of a three-dimensional anionic CuICN network with noncoordinated protonated N-methyl­ethano­lamine cations providing charge neutrality. Pairs of cuprophilic Cu atoms are bridged by μ3-cyanide groups which link these units into 43 spirals along the c axis, and these are linked together by other cyanide groups. On heating the com­pound to 280 °C, a CuCN residue is formed, while further heating leaves a residue of elemental copper, isolated as the oxide.

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The hydro­gen-bond inter­actions exhibited by three new com­pounds incorporating 5-fluoro­cytosine, urea, 3,5-di­nitro­salicylic acid, 2-amino-4-chloro-6-methyl­pyrimidine and 6-chloro­nicotinic acid generate a variety of supra­molecular assemblies in three-dimensional space as networks and ribbons. The mol­ecular recognition process, hydro­gen-bond motifs and supra­molecular assemblies will help in fine tuning properties for desired needs.

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The structure of the first metal complex of octa­ethyl pyro­phospho­ramide is a dimer containing two calcium ions bridged by two nitrate and two octa­ethyl pyro­phospho­ramide ligands. Each calcium ion is further coordinated by a nitrate ion acting as a bidentate ligand and a water mol­ecule and has a coordination number of 8.

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The structures of three copper-containing complexes are reported and tests for their activity in the oxidation of D-galactose suggest that, unlike the enzyme galactose oxidase, due to the precipitation of Cu2O, this reaction is not catalytic as would have been expected.

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The effect of amino acid backbone length on mol­ecular packing has been studied using crystalline tartrates of glycine, β-alanine, γ-amino­butyric acid (GABA) and DL-α-amino­butyric acid (AABA) as examples.

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The characteristic feature of this cadmium(II) complex is the formation of a dimeric bridged structure where the two CdII cations are bridged by S atoms from the N,N-di­allyl­ldi­thio­carbamate ligands.
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