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Search query: di­sulfide compound

4 articles match your search "di­sulfide compound"

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The title compound, [Cu2I2(CH3CN)4], exhibits a centrosymmetric Cu2I2 core [Cu...Cu distance = 2.7482 (11) Å], the CuI atoms of which are further coordinated by four mol­ecules of aceto­nitrile. The CuI atom has an overall distorted tetra­hedral coordination environment evidenced by L—Cu—L angles (L = N or I) ranging from 100.47 (10) to 117.06 (2)°. The coordination geometries of the aceto­nitrile ligands deviate slightly from linearity as shown by Cu—N—C angles of 167.0 (2) and 172.7 (2)°. In the crystal, there are no significant hydrogen-bonding inter­actions present, so the crystal packing seems to be formed predominantly by van der Waals forces.

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The title compound, [Nb2Cl6(C2H6S)3], contains an NbIII=NbIII double bond [2.6880 (3) Å]. Each Nb atom has a distorted octa­hedral coordination environment formed by two terminal and two bridging Cl ions, and one monodentate and one bridging Me2S ligands.

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The discovery of naturally occurring metal–organic framework (MOF) minerals highlights the connection between crystal engineering and mineralogy. It is shown how classification of such organic minerals rests on concepts of supramolecular chemistry, coordination chemistry and crystal engineering.

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Some 60 examples of crystal structures are presented which can be better described in space groups different from those used in the original publications.
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