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Search query: di­chloro­palladium

4 articles match your search "di­chloro­palladium"

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The crystal structure of the first reported glyoxal–tetra­aza­macrocycle condensate amine oxide is presented. The sterically hindered oxidized amine binds zinc(II) through the oxygen atom in its folded cleft, with an inter­nal hydrogen bond across the cleft between the oxygen and a protonated tertiary nitro­gen.

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The title compound, [Pd2(C12H10O3P)2Cl2(C12H11O3P)2], consists of a dinuclear μ-chloro-bridged palladium unit with two diphenoxy­phosphinite groups per Pd atom, linked together by a hydrogen bond. The asymmetric unit contains one half of the mol­ecule, with the other half generated by an inversion centre. The geometry around the P atoms may be described as distorted tetra­hedral. Adjacent mol­ecules of the complex are linked by weak C—H...O and C—H...Cl hydrogen bonds. The structure is additionally stabilized by π–π stacking inter­actions between the aryl rings. These inter­actions form a herring-bone pattern in the crystal structure.

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The title compound contains a centrosymmetric dimeric cation and it is formed upon slow evaporation of a solution containing bis­(aceto­nitrile)­bis­[1,2-bis­(di­phenyl­phosphino)­ethane]­palladium(II) bis(tetra­fluoro­borate) in deuterated chloro­form. The anion and the solvent mol­ecule are slightly disordered.

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Some 60 examples of crystal structures are presented which can be better described in space groups different from those used in the original publications.
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