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Search query: cyclopentadienyl

726 articles match your search "cyclopentadienyl"

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Several manganese com­plexes of the type [MnCp(PPh3)(CO)2] containing a cyclo­penta­dienyl (Cp) ligand with one to five SMe substituents were prepared and studied by X-ray crystallography. In these structures, a few S...S and/or S...Br inter­actions occur, and these are sometimes of significant importance for the arrangement of the mol­ecules in the crystal.

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The structure of 2-ferrocenyl-2-[(2-ferrocenylethen­yl)(morpholin-4-yl)meth­yl]-1,3-di­thiol­ane, is described. In the crystal, cyclo­penta­dienyl-C—H...O(morpholin­yl) inter­actions feature within helical chains parallel to the c-axis direction. The chains are connected by methyl­ene- and cyclo­penta­dienyl-C—H...O(cyclo­penta­dien­yl) inter­actions.

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The structure of Cp′3U(BH4), (C5H4SiMe3)3U(BH4), at 112 K has triclinic (P\overline{1}) symmetry. It is of inter­est with respect to borohydride coordination modes.

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The air- and moisture-sensitive title compound was synthesized from tris­(cyclo­penta­dien­yl)(tetra­hydro­furan)­terbium and 2-{[(2-meth­oxy­phen­yl)imino]­meth­yl}phenol. Each Tb atom is coordinated by two cyclo­penta­dienyl ligands in an η5-coordination mode and by one N and two O atoms of the organic ligand in a tridentate κ3O,N,O′-mode.

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Reduction of (C5H4SiMe3)3YbIII in THF using excess Cs metal forms the oligomeric complex [(THF)Cs(μ-η55-Cp′)3YbII]n. The complex has hexa­gonal layers of Cs3Yb3 with THF ligands and Me3Si groups in between the layers.

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The reported mol­ecule contains a number of unusual features, the most notable being a finite yet exceptionally long cyclic metal-azido chain. These rare features are the consequence of both sterically protecting Cp* ligands and highly bridging oxide and hydroxide ligands in the same system and illustrate the inter­esting new possibilities that can arise from combining organometallic and solvothermal f-block element chemistry.

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The title compound has an iron–gallium bond distance of 2.3028 (3) Å. The gallium atoms are connected by two bridging chlorine atoms, each gallium also has one terminal chlorine. The mol­ecule has an inversion center located between the gallium atoms. The cyclo­penta­dienyl ligand was modeled for disorder.

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Solid-state structures are presented for three propionyl complexes of MoII featuring piano-stool geometries and supported by tri­aryl­phosphine ligands, showing the effects of para substitution on supra­molecular structure and allowing comparison to the large class of previously reported acetyl complexes.

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A Cambridge Structural Database analysis of methyl­ated cyclo­pentadienyl (Cp) complexes indicates the presence of C—H...π, parallel displaced stacking and large offset stacking interactions as the main non-covalent interaction types. This conclusion is supported by electrostatic potential maps.

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The diffuse scattering of 1,3-di(tert-butyl)cyclopentadienyl pentaphosphaferrocene (Cp′′FeP5) is modelled with closed-form expressions derived from a growth model with the range of interactions (reichweite) s = 2.
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