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Search query: RNA-binding proteins

535 articles match your search "RNA-binding proteins"

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The structure of virus-like particles of the small RNA phage PRR1 bound to an RNA segment corresponding to a stem-loop that includes the start codon for the replicase gene has been solved and the binding was compared with the related, and better investigated, phage MS2.A.

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The crystal structure of a synthetic consensus pentatricopeptide repeat protein displays helical disorder. The structure provides support for the utility of synthPPR as a backbone for designing bespoke RNA-binding proteins.

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Crystal structure determination of membrane proteins can be challenging. Here, the use of vanadium phasing as an alternative experimental phasing method is described.

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The X-ray structures of viruses and viral proteins currently available are providing high-resolution snapshots of viral molecular machineries, expanding our vision of the virus world and giving crucial information on potential targets for future antiviral therapies.

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Here, the recombinant ARE-binding region of HuR (residues 18-186) was crystallized in space group P21212, with unit-cell parameters a = 41.2, b = 133.1, c = 31.4 Å.

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virusMED (Virus Metal binding sites, Epitopes and Drug binding sites) is a rich internet application based on a database of atomic interactions around hotspots in 7041 experimentally determined viral protein structures.

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The dimerization domain of splicing factor proline/glutamine-rich (SFPQ), an essential RNA-binding protein, has been crystallized in the C-centered orthorhombic space group C2221 with one monomer in the asymmetric unit, and its structure has been determined and refined to 1.9 Å resolution. The crystal structure was analyzed and compared with the solution scattering data.

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The 3.1 Å resolution single-particle cryo-electron microscopy structure of the RNA-bound Ebola virus nucleoprotein helical filament provides molecular details of protein–protein and protein–RNA interactions.

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Crystal structures of the RecA-like domain 1 of Staphylococcus aureus CshA (SaCshA) and of its complex with AMP are reported; SaCshA shares a highly conserved ATP-binding mechanism with other DEAD-box RNA helicases.
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