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Search query: HgII complex

3 articles match your search "HgII complex"

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In the title compound, HgI2 units are joined by 2,2′-di­thio­bis­(pyridine N-oxide) spacer ligands in a μ-κ2O:O′ coordination mode, resulting in a one-dimensional coordination polymer extending in the [010] direction.

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The reaction of HgII with the bridging ligand bis­(pyridin-3-ylmeth­yl)sulfane afforded a one-dimensional zigzag chain polymeric structure, with the charge balanced by two coordinated chloride anions. C—H...Cl hydrogen bonds and Hg—Cl...π inter­actions, together with C—H...π hydrogen bonds, stabilize the crystal structure.

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In the title compound, [HgCl2(C15H13N5)2], the HgII atom is located on a twofold rotation axis and resides in a distorted tetra­hedral coordination environment composed of two Cl atoms and two N atoms from two 1-(2-methyl­benzimidazol-1-ylmeth­yl)benzotriazole ligands.
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