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Search query: 11S globulins
7 articles match your search "11S globulins"Results 1 to 7, sorted by relevance:
research communications
The first structural report of CL-AI from chickpea seeds reveals a trimeric arrangement and structural features that are conserved among 11S globulins.
crystallization communications
High level expression of soluble amaranth 11S proglobulin in Escherichia coli and its purification are described. Crystallization of the recombinant protein and crystal data collection are also presented.
crystallization communications
The crystallization of ginnacin, the 11S seed storage protein from G. biloba, is reported.
research papers
The crystal structure of 8Sα globulin of mung bean was determined at 2.65 Å resolution and its physicochemical properties were elucidated in comparison with other seed storage globulins.
research papers
The crystal structure of the 45 kDa γ-conglutin from lupin seeds was determined at 2 Å resolution, showing that in contrast to the tetrameric structure of another 7S basic globulin from a legume plant (soybean), it forms a ring-like hexamer.
research papers
The crystal structure of the core region of the soybean β-conglycinin α′ subunit has been determined at 2.3 Å resolution. The structural factors accounting for the difference in thermal stability between the subunits of β-conglycinin are discussed.
crystallization communications
The crystallization of a putative food allergen from pecan is reported.