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6 citations found for da Silva, M.

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For the first time, a cocrystal of the so-called calix[4]tube with a template bioactive compound belonging to the biologically relevant benzo­thia­zole class has been observed, together with three new polymorphs of the same benzo­thia­zole exhibiting infrequent packing polymorphism with high Z′ (one with Z′ = 8 and two with Z′ = 4).

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The relationship between GTP binding and hydrolysis on the one hand and septin filament assembly and function on the other has yet to be fully elucidated. The crystal structures of SEPT3 subgroup members bound to either GDP or to a GTP analogue shed light on this question by indicating how the squeezing of one of the inter-subunit interfaces may lead to the exposure of a polybasic region important for membrane association.

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Selenophosphate synthetases from L. major and T. brucei were crystallized for the first time using limited proteolysis and microbatch techniques and suitable crystals for X-ray diffraction experiments were obtained.

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Recent advancements are presented for an ion beam figuring system developed at Diamond Light Source, demonstrating surface correction of X-ray mirrors to achieve sub-nanometre r.m.s. height errors and <50 nrad r.m.s. slope errors.

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Acta Cryst. (2023). A79, C1142
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