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1 citation found for Zhou, S.-P.

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The PbII cation in the title compound, [Pb2(C14H4N2O8)]n, is seven-coordinated by one N atom and six O atoms from four 4,4′-bipyridine-2,2′,6,6′-tetra­carboxyl­ate (BPTCA4−) ligands. The geometric centre of the BPTCA4− anion lies on an inversion centre. Each pyridine-2,6-dicarboxyl­ate moiety of the BPTCA4− ligand links four PbII cations via its pyridyl N atom and two carboxyl­ate groups to form two-dimensional sheets. The centrosymmetric BPTCA4− ligand then acts as a linker between the sheets, which results in a three-dimensional metal–organic framework.

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