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98 citations found for Yang, W

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The crystal structure and substrate-binding and activity studies of CYP108D1, an aromatic hydrocarbon-binding cytochrome P450 monooxygenase from N. aromaticivorans DSM12444, are presented.

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The development of a novel experimental capability of nuclear resonant inelastic X-ray scattering at high pressure and low temperature is presented. The new capability is demonstrated by studying the Fe-specific phonon density of states and magnetism in Eu57Fe2As2.

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The title B12 model compound, {2,2′-[1,2-ethanediylbis(nitrilomethylidyne)]diphenolato-N,N′,O,O′}(isobutyl)cobalt(III), [Co(C4H9)(C16H14N2O2)(H2O)], has distorted octahedral stereochemistry around the CoIII ion. The equatorial salen ligand displays a `stepped' conformation, which is the prefered conformation in penta- and hexacoordinate organocobalt-salen complexes. The axial Co—C bond length is close to that of coenzyme B12 and in accordance with that of other B12 models, but the difference in the axial Co—O bond length as well as the deviation from the ideal tetrahedral value of the Co—C—C angle are due to the trans influence of the axial isobutyl group, which has stronger σ-donor power.

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The optical design of a soft X-ray spectrometer that utilizes Wolter mirrors to enable imaging-mode spectroscopy with a beam-size independent spatial resolution in, for example, tandem catalysts in reaction is presented. When such a spectrometer is used in pump–probe experiments to study the transient electron dynamics, the imaging capability of the Wolter mirrors can offer femtosecond time delay between the pump and probe beams with non-collinear wavefronts.

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In the title compound, C12H28N+·Br·H2O, the ionic pairs formed by n-dodecyl­ammonium cations and bromide anions are arranged into thick layers; these layers are linked in a nearly perpendicular fashion [the angle between the layers is 85.84 (5)°] by hydrogen-bonding inter­actions involving the water mol­ecules. The methyl­ene part of the alkyl chain in the cation adopts an all-trans conformation. In the crystal structure, mol­ecules are linked by inter­molecular N—H...Br, O—H...Br and N—H...O hydrogen bonds.

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A crystal structure of zebrafish Plk1 reveals the binding of an extended ATP-competitive inhibitor that targets the adaptive pocket and helps to order the activation segment of the kinase. The conformation of the segment resembles that observed in a nonphosphorylated ligand-free wild-type kinase domain.

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In the title salt, C21H21Cl2N2O2+·NO3, the imidazole ring makes dihedral angles of 43.39 (14) and 10.9 (2)° with the 4-methyl­phenyl and 2,4-dichloro­phenyl rings, respectively. The mol­ecule adopts a Z conformation about the C=C double bond, which links the imidazole ring to the 4-methyl­phen­oxy unit via an eth­oxy chain. In the crystal, cations and anions are linked into chains by N—H...O and C—H...O hydrogen bonds.

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The expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the high-mobility group protein (HMO2) from S. cerevisiae are reported.

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The title compound, [ZnCl2(C10H14N4)]n, is a coordination polymer consisting of zigzag chains propagating in [001], in which the metal cation exhibits a distorted tetrahedral ZnCl2N2 coordination. Adjacent chains are linked by inter­molecular C—H...Cl hydrogen bonds, forming a three-dimensional supra­molecular network.

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A 2.4 Å resolution data set was collected from a crystal of CYP219A1. This is the first protein of a new P450 family from the oligotrophic organism N. aromaticivorans which can oxidize steroids and bind sesquiterpenoids.

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Possible point groups and elastic properties are discussed for a solid with two-dimensional quasi-periodic and one-dimensional periodic structure.

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In the mol­ecule of the title compound, C13H12O, the two aromatic rings are oriented at a dihedral angle of 2.90 (3)°. An intra­molecular C—H...O hydrogen bond results in the formation of a non-planar six-membered ring, which adopts an envelope conformation. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular C—H...O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules.

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Polychromatic microdiffraction allows for submicrometer three-dimensional spatial resolution and good sensitivity to elastic strain, crystalline phase and local texture (orientation). Example applications are presented for this emerging tool.

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In the title compound, C18H17N3, the two pyridyl rings make a dihedral angle of 54.55 (13)°. The dihedral angles between the phenyl ring and the two pyridyl rings are 73.61 (13) and 81.40 (13)°. In the crystal, weak inter­molecular C—H...π inter­actions are observed.

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The substrate-free E. coli tyrosine amintotransferase (eTAT) bound with a cofactor pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) was crystallized in trigonal space group P32. The low-resolution crystal structure shows that the substrate-free eTAT has a tertiary structure similar to the open form of aspartate aminotransferase.

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Acta Cryst. (2023). A79, a140
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