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331 citations found for Wang, C

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A novel Schiff base derived from indole and biphenyl has been designed, synthesized and fully characterized. Mol­ecular docking indicated a good di­hydro­orotate de­hydrogenase (DHODH) inhibitory activity and in vitro inhibition evaluation against lung and breast cancer cell growth proved the prediction.

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The different conformations of WalK reveal the intrinsic dynamic properties of a sensor histidine kinase structure as a molecular basis for multifunctionality.

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In this work, a 1 m long Sasaki-type elliptically polarizing undulator (EPU) prototype with 5.6 cm period length is used to examine the mechanical design feasibility as well as magnetic field performance. The magnetic field characteristics of the EPU5.6 prototype at various phase shifts and gap motion are described. The field errors from mechanical tolerances, magnet block errors, end field effects and phase/gap motion effects are analysed. The procedures related to correcting the field with the block position tuning, iron shimming and the trim blocks at both ends are outlined.

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Acta Cryst. (1996). A52, C52
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Acta Cryst. (2008). A64, C350
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The cadmium cations (coordination number seven) are linked by hy­droxy­propano­ate anions into a three-dimensional network.

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Acta Cryst. (2023). A79, C131
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Crystal structures of the RecA-like domain 1 of Staphylococcus aureus CshA (SaCshA) and of its complex with AMP are reported; SaCshA shares a highly conserved ATP-binding mechanism with other DEAD-box RNA helicases.

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The fabrication of gold Fresnel zone plates, by a combination of e-beam lithography and electrodeposition, with a 30 nm outermost zone width and a 450 nm-thick structure is described.

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The complete mol­ecule of the title compound, C24H30N4O4S2, is generated by a crystallographic inversion centre. In the crystal, weak C—H...O inter­actions link the mol­ecules, forming infinite sheets.

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In the title compound, C11H10BrNO2, the dihedral angle between the five- and six-membered rings of the phthalamide system is 1.00 (16)°. There are no significant inter­molecular inter­ations except for van der Waals contacts.

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Synchrotron-radiation-stimulated etching of silicon elastomer polydimethylsiloxane using XeF2 as an etching gas is demonstrated.

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The C-terminal subdomain of rat 70 kDa heat-shock cognate protein has been cloned and expressed in E. coli. Preliminary crystallographic investigations have been carried out.

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Acta Cryst. (2014). A70, C1238
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The first coordination sphere of spin crossover material has been comprehended to play a dominant role to its magnetic property. However, the intermolecular interactions, such as π···π interaction and hydrogen bonding, also play a crucial factor. The contents of the solvent in a 2D layer structure, Fe (μ-atrz)(μ-pyz)(NCS)2·nH2O where n=4, 2 and 0, has been reported to be able to affect the spin transition behavior dramatically.[1] As loss of solvent molecules, the inter-layer distance becomes shorter and the transition temperature shifts to lower temperature and accompanies a larger hysteresis loop. To further understand the correlation between the inter-layer distance and magnetic property, the guest ab/desorption and pressure-induced synchrotron powder diffraction experiments were performed at BL01C2 in NSRRC. Based on the cyclic TGA measurements, the guest molecules, H2O, MeOH and EtOH, all can be removed and retaken repeatedly. The pressure-induced PXRD experiment was performed using a Boehler-Almax design diamond anvil cell (DAC). The detail structural studies attempt to understand not only the spin state changes from HS (high spin state) to LS (low spin state) but also the cooperative effect through the inter-layer distance.

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