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10 citations found for Turner, F.

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Acta Cryst. (2023). A79, C1102
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A new high-pressure single-crystal diffraction setup has been designed and implemented at the Australian Synchrotron for collecting molecular and protein crystal structures.

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An in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction sapphire capillary pressure cell capable of generating 1500 bar (150 MPa) of pressure is presented and tested by comparing the compressibility of the small organic molecule hexa­methyl­enetetramine in its hydrogenated and deuterated forms.

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The structures of two compounds which are intermediates in the synthesis of phenanthroindolizidine alkaloids have been determined. (8bS,13aS,14R,14aR)-8b,9,11,12,13,13a,14,14a-Octa­hydro-14-hydroxy-2,3,6,7-tetra­methoxy­dibenzo­[f,h]pyrrolo[1,2-b]­isoquinolin-11-one acetone solvate, C24H27NO6·C3H6O, (II), crystallizes in a chiral space group with one solvent mol­ecule (acetone) present in the asymmetric unit. On the other hand, (8bS,13aS,14S,14aR)-8b,9,11,12,13,13a,14,14a-octa­hydro-14-hydroxy-2,3,6,7-tetra­methoxy­dibenzo­[f,h]pyrrolo[1,2-b]­isoquinolin-11-one, C24H27NO6, (III), crystallizes in a centrosymmetric space group with two mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit and with no solvent present. The two mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit of (III) are structurally the same. Compounds (II) and (III) are epimers at the C atom carrying the OH group; otherwise they are very similar in structure.

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In the title compound, [K(C4H8O)][ZrCl2(C12H8N)3(C4H8O)], the Zr atom is pseudo-octahedral, with two Cl ligands in trans positions. There is extensive interaction between the potassium cation and two of the aromatic carbazolyl ligands in η6 [C...K = 3.167 (3)–3.331 (3) Å] and η2 [C...K = 3.147 (3)–3.268 (2) Å] fashions.

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In the title compound, [ZrCl2(C14H12N)2(C4H8O)2]·1.5C6H6, the Zr atom is pseudo-octahedral, with two Cl atoms in trans positions and two tetra­hydro­furan mol­ecules in cis positions. The two 3,6-di­methyl­carbazolyl ligands are in cis positions and are canted with respect to one another. The two Zr-N distances are 2.1148 (18) and 2.1236 (18) Å, and the N-Zr-N angle is 95.08 (7)°. The title compound crystallizes as the benzene solvate, with one of the benzene mol­ecules positioned on an inversion center.

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In the title compound, [Li(C4H8O)4][ZrCl2(C12H8N)3(C4H8O)], the environment of the Zr atom is pseudo-octahedral, with the three carbazolyl ligands in a mer configuration. The counter-ion of the zirconium complex is composed of an Li atom surrounded by four tetra­hydro­furan (THF) mol­ecules. The THF mol­ecule attached to the Zr atom is disordered over two sites, as are two of the THF mol­ecules in the lithium moiety. All bond distances and angles are consistent with those in complexes with similar structural entities. The Zr-N bond distances are 2.2185 (18) and 2.167 (3) Å.

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Acta Cryst. (2023). A79, C1107
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Acta Cryst. (2002). A58, c53
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