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1 citation found for Taghavikish, M.

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The title compound, C24H47PSi2, is the first organophosphane bearing two tert-butyl­dimethyl­silyl (TBDMS) groups to be crystallographically characterized, even though TBDMS is a very popular bulky silyl group. The structure is a considerably flattened trigonal pyramid, with the sum of the C/Si-P-C/Si angles being 333.35 (6)°, which can be attributed to the steric pressure from the three bulky groups. The P-Si distances [2.2605 (6) and 2.2631 (6) Å] are normal, while the P-C distance [1.8646 (12) Å] is long (outside the s.u. values) compared with related structures. The plane of the aryl ring approximately bisects the Si-P-Si angle, quite unlike the secondary (tert-butyl­dimethyl­silyl)(2,6-diisopropyl­phenyl)phosphane bearing only one TBDMS group, in which the single Si atom is perpendicular to the aryl ring. The title structure conforms closely to that predicted from B3LYP/6-31G(d) calculations, although the calculations overestimate the degree of planarity. The compound crystallizes centrosymmetrically in the space group P\overline{1} as isolated mol­ecules.

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