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1 citation found for Kay, G.

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Reaction between cyste­amine (systematic name: 2-amino­ethane­thiol, C2H7NS) and L-(+)-tartaric acid [systematic name: (2R,3R)-2,3-di­hydroxy­butane­dioic acid, C4H6O6] results in a mixture of cyste­amine tartrate(1-) monohydrate, C2H8NS+·C4H5O6-·H2O, (I), and cystamine bis­[tartrate(1-)] dihydrate, C4H14N2S22+·2C4H5O6-·2H2O, (III). Cystamine [systematic name: 2,2'-di­thio­bis­(ethyl­amine), C4H12N2S2], reacts with L-(+)-tartaric acid to produce a mixture of cystamine tartrate(2-), C4H14N2S22+·C4H4O62-, (II), and (III). In each crystal structure, the anions are linked by O-H...O hydrogen bonds that run parallel to the a axis. In addition, hydrogen bonding involving protonated amino groups in all three salts, and water mol­ecules in (I) and (III), leads to extensive three-dimensional hydrogen-bonding networks. All three salts crystallize in the ortho­rhom­bic space group P212121.

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