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3 citations found for Kang, Q.

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The title compound, poly­[nickel(II)-bis(α-hydroxy­acetato-κ3O1,O2:O1′)], [Ni(C2H3O3)2]n, is isomorphous with the reported cobalt analogue. The Ni atom is located on a centre of inversion.

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A novel (3,9)-connected lanthanide-based network of lanthanum trinitrite, La(NO2)3, was synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The central LaIII atom is coordinated by nine O atoms from nine nitrite anions. These unidentate O atoms are arranged in a capped trigonal prism. The resulting [LaO9] polyhedron shows 3m symmetry.

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A new crystallization system is described, which makes it possible to use an evaporation-based microfluidic crystallization technique for protein crystallization. Using this method, crystal growth could be improved so that approximately 1 mm-sized lysozyme crystals were obtained more successfully than using standard methods.

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