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1 citation found for Chowdhry, B.Z.

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The solid-state structures of a series of seven substituted 3-methyl­idene-1H-indol-2(3H)-one derivatives have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and are compared in detail. Six of the structures {(3Z)-3-(1H-pyrrol-2-ylmethyl­idene)-1H-indol-2(3H)-one, C13H10N2O, (2a); (3Z)-3-(2-thienylmethyl­idene)-1H-indol-2(3H)-one, C13H9NOS, (2b); (3E)-3-(2-furylmethyl­idene)-1H-indol-2(3H)-one monohydrate, C13H9NO2·H2O, (3a); 3-(1-methyl­ethyl­idene)-1H-indol-2(3H)-one, C11H11NO, (4a); 3-cyclo­hexyl­idene-1H-indol-2(3H)-one, C14H15NO, (4c); and spiro­[1,3-dioxane-2,3′-indolin]-2′-one, C11H11NO3, (5)} display, as expected, inter­molecular hydrogen bonding (N—H...O=C) between the 1H-indol-2(3H)-one units. However, methyl 3-(1-methyl­ethyl­idene)-2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indole-1-carboxyl­ate, C13H13NO3, (4b), a carbamate analogue of (4a) lacking an N—H bond, displays no inter­molecular hydrogen bonding. The structure of (4a) contains three mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit, while (4b) and (4c) both contain two independent mol­ecules.

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