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7 citations found for Bittencourt, D.

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Acta Cryst. (1984). A40, C473
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The morphology of sodium partially and totally neutralized carboxytelechelic ionomers has been characterized by small-angle X-ray scattering showing that the aggregates grow as more end chains are neutralized while keeping the electron density constant, in agreemeent with the multiplet model.

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The nearly planar title mol­ecules are linked by a pairs of N—H...O inter­actions into an inverson dimer. The dimers are connectec by weak H...Cl inter­actions into a two-dimensional hydrogen-bonded polymer and stacked along the b axis, connected by weak π–π inter­actions. An in silico evaluation of the title compound with an topoisomerase enzyme was performed and several inter­molecular inter­actions can be assigned.

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In the title compound, C9H7FN4OS, the mol­ecules are almost planar, with an r.m.s. deviation of 0.047 (3) Å from the mean plane defined by the non-H atoms and a maximum deviation of 0.123 (2) Å for the amine N atom. The torsion angle for the N—N—C—S unit is 176.57 (19)°. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked into inversion dimers via pairs of N—H...F hydrogen bonds and, additionally, through N—H...O and N—H...S hydrogen bonds, building a two-dimensional hydrogen-bond network parallel to the (103) plane. An intra­molecular N—H...O inter­action is also observed.

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The title mol­ecule, C5H5N5O3S, is approximately planar, with a maximum deviation from the mean plane through the non-H atoms of 0.182 (3) Å for the amine N atom. In the crystal, mol­ecules are connected via N—H...O and N—H...S inter­actions, building a three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded network. Additionally, a weak intra­molecular N—H...O hydrogen bond is observed.

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This paper presents the size distribution function of voids in hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide films deposited by PECVD from mixtures of silane and methane.

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The additional absorbance spectra of samples exposed to ultraviolet light show that the silver colloid formation is possible only in samples that exhibit SAXS curves characteristic of well defined particles dispersed in glass.

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