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8 citations found for Bell, R.

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Synthesis of the perovskite-like layered 12R phase of BaCe0.25Mn0.75O3 (12R-BCM) at higher yields (> 97 wt%) than previously reported. The influence of sintering temperature and redox cycling on the composition and weight fraction of secondary phases is investigated. The anisotropy between thermal expansion along the c-axis and within the ab plane is examined with synchrotron-based diffraction measurements.

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In the title compound, [Na(ClO4)(C24H20N6)], the sodium cation is in a square-pyramidal geometry, which is distorted from the ideal (τ = 0.19), with the four N-donor atoms of the bis-bidentate chelating units from the ligand arranged equatorially, and with the perchlorate anion at the apical site.

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The title compound, [Ru(CO)3(PPh3)]3, has three ruthenium centres, each in an octahedral environment with distortion from ideal geometry. The compound contains the characteristic triangular Ru3 core, with the phospho­rus ligands each occupying an equatorial position at one end of an Ru-Ru vector.

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Hypothetical zeolitic structures containing two kinds of tetrahedral site are systematically enumerated using tiling theory and evaluated as silica polymorphs by computational chemistry methods. The structures, most of them new, are divided into 15 families, based on common topological features, and the chemical feasibility of each is estimated in terms of the correlation between lattice energy and framework density.

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Nearly complete conversion to a Ba3Nb0.75Mn2.25O9-6H structure was observed following thermochemical reduction of the parent Ba4NbMn3O12-12R material. The Ba3Nb0.75Mn2.25O9-6H structure represents a hexa­gonal perovskite that displays substitution of Mn onto Nb sites in order to satisfy the 3:1 Mn:Nb ratio within the 6H structural motif.

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Polymorphic structural changes in tridymite have been investigated by molecular dynamics simulation. The main polymorphic transitions were reproduced and their mechanisms are explained.

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