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Dr Juan Carlos Alonso Huitron   Juan Carlos Alonso Huitrón (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigacione Materiales Depto. Estdo Solido y CriogeniaCircuito Exterior Cd. Universitaria04510 Coyoacán México DF, Mexico)
General scientific interests: alloys, ceramics, electron diffraction, electron microscopy, epitaxy, materials science, oxides, silicates, surfaces, thin films, X-ray diffraction, XAFS.
Detailed scientific research interests: plasma physics, semiconductor physics, synthesis and structure of thin films.
Search for papers by Alonso Huitrón, J.C. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Dr Ashok Asksasu   Ashok Asksasu (Department of Physics, SRM University, India)
General scientific interests: alloys, Rietveld method, X-ray diffraction, X-ray optics, XAFS.
Detailed scientific research interests: Thin films, Alloys, Powder synthesis, structure solving for minerals.
Search for papers by Asksasu, A. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Dr Antoni Dabkowski   Antoni Dabkowski (Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research, McMaster University, Canada)
General scientific interests: ceramics, crystal growth, ferroelectrics, Laue diffraction, metals, oxides, phase transitions, powder diffraction, silicates, superconductors, thin films.
Detailed scientific research interests: complex oxides, crystal growth by flux method, crystal growth by the Czochralski and modified Czochralski method, crystal growth by the modified Bridgman method, instrumentation for crystal growth and process computerization, magnetic oxides, memory alloys, oxide substrates for thin films - substrates fabrication, piezo- and ferroelectric materials - relaxors, powder synthesis and other preparation methods, X-ray diffraction (structure determination, phase analysis, orientation).
Search for papers by Dabkowski, A. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed