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Dr Timothy E. Benson   Timothy E. Benson (Novartis, -, USA)
General scientific interests: drug design, enzymes, macromolecular crystallography, structural chemistry, structure-activity relationships.
Detailed scientific research interests: DNA replication, mechanism, peptidoglycan biosynthesis, structure/function relationships.
Search for papers by Benson, T.E. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Dr Mark Saper   Mark Saper (Biological Chemistry, University of Michigan, USA)
General scientific interests: computer graphics, macromolecular crystallography, proteins, small-angle scattering, X-ray diffraction.
Detailed scientific research interests: bacterial cell surface proteins, export of bacterial polysaccharide capsule, outer membrane glycoproteins, peptidoglycan biosynthesis, peptidoglycan endopeptidases, peptidoglycan synthesis activators.
Search for papers by Saper, M.A. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed