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Dr Lisa J. Keefe   Lisa J. Keefe (Industrial Macromolecular Crystallography Association (IMCA-CAT, sector 17), Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute, USA)
General scientific interests: anomalous dispersion, data collection and processing, drug design, macromolecular crystallography, structural biology.
Detailed scientific research interests: cell regulation, robotics, signal transduction, synchrotron beamline automation.
Search for papers by Keefe, L.J. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

 Kunchithapadam Swaminathan   Kunchithapadam Swaminathan (Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
General scientific interests: biological crystallography, macromolecular crystallography, proteins, structural biology.
Detailed scientific research interests: Cell signaling and gene regulation in human diseases, virus structures.
Search for papers by Swaminathan, K. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Dr Christina R. Bourne   Christina R. Bourne (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Oklahoma, USA)
General scientific interests: antibodies, biological crystallography, crystal growth, drug design, electron microscopy, enzymes, macromolecular crystallography, molecular modelling, molecular recognition, natural products, proteins, structural biology, structure-activity relationships, viruses.
Detailed scientific research interests: Allosteric regulation, Antimicrobial Discovery and Development, Capsid assembly, Drug Design, Drug Target Identification, Fragment-Based Drug Discovery, Hepatitis B virus, High-Throughput Whole Cell Screening, Toxin-Antitoxin systems.
Search for papers by Bourne, C.R. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed