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Crystals of the novel title arsenic(III) phthalocyanine complex, [As(C32H16N8)]2[As4I14] or [(AsPc)+]2·[As4I14]2-, where Pc is phthalocyaninate(2-), have been obtained by the reaction of pure powdered As with phthalo­nitrile under a stream of iodine vapour at 493 K. The crystals are built up of separate but interacting [AsPc]+ cations and [As4I12]2- anions. The As atom of the [AsPc]+ unit is bonded to the four iso­indole N atoms of the Pc macrocycle and lies 0.743 (2) Å out of the plane defined by these four N atoms. The anionic part of the complex consists of AsI3 and [AsI4]- units joined together into an [As4I14]2- anion. The arrangement of the oppositely charged moieties, [AsPc]+ and [As4I14]2-, in the crystal is determined mainly by ionic attraction and by donor-acceptor interactions between the [AsPc]+ and [As4I14]2- ions.

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CCDC reference: 205301

Comment top

This study is continuation of our investigation of the synthesis and characterization of iodine-doped metallophthalocyanines. Earlier, we reported that, besides the well characterized I-doped metallophthalocyanines and diphthalocyanines, in which the I-doped atoms form chains of disordered symmetrical triiodide ions (Janczak et al., 1998, 2000; Janczak, Kubiak & Jezierski, 1999; Janczak & Kubiak, 1999a; Janczak & Idemori, 2001a), and metallophthalocyanines in which the I atoms are directly joined to the central metal ion, yielding mono- or diiodometallophthalocyanine complexes (Janczak & Kubiak, 1999b,c; Janczak & Idemori, 2001b), the I atoms can form a neutral I2 molecule, which acts as a bridge for the dimerization of monoiodometallophthalocyanines (Janczak, Kubiak & Hahn, 1999) or for developing a polymeric supramolecular diiodometallophthalocyanine structure (Janczak, Razik & Kubiak, 1999; Janczak & Idemori, 2002a). More recently, we reported that, depending on the condition of the synthesis, the I atoms could form ordered but unsymmetrical triiodide ions (Janczak & Kubiak, 1999 d; Kubiak et al., 1999; Janczak & Idemori, 2002b). The title AsIII phthalocyanine-AsIII iodine complex, (I), is unique and, to our knowledge, with the two isostructural complexes of [(SbPc)4(Sb4I16)] (Janczak & Idemori, 2002c) and [(BiPc)4(Bi4I16)] (Kubiak & Ejsmont, 1999), it is only the third structurally characterized phthalocyaninate compound which contains the same metal in both ionic parts of the complex, i.e. in the [AsPc]+ moiety as well as in the [As4I14]2− moiety. \sch

The crystal of (I) is built up of separate but interacting units of [AsPc]+ and [As4I14]2− (Fig. 1). The phthalocyaninato(2-) macrocyclic ring of the AsPc moiety has a saucer-shaped form, as a result of the interaction of the central AsIII ion with the oppositely charged [As4I14]2− counterion. The greatest deviations from the plane defined by the four isoindole N atoms of the phthalocyaninato(2-) macrocycle are observed for the C atoms of the phenyl rings: 0.039 (3)–0.219 (3) Å for C2—C7, 0.124 (3)–0.377 (3) Å for C10—C15, 0.061 (3)–9.228 (3) Å for C18—C23 and 0.103 (3)–0.377 (3) Å for C26—C31. The positively charged AsIII atom, which is coordinated by the four isoindole N atoms, is significantly displaced from the N4-isoindole plane [0.743 (3) Å] towards atom I3 of the [As4I14]2− counter-ion.

The displacement of the AsIII atom from the N4-isoindole plane is comparable with that observed in [phthalocyaninato(2-)]arsenic(III) triiodide [0.757 (2) Å; Janczak & Idemori, 2002b]. In SbIII phthalocyanine iodine (Kubiak & Razik, 1998), SbIII phthalocyanine triiodide (Kubiak et al., 1999) and the SbIII phthalocyanine-SbIII iodine complex (Janczak & Idemori, 2002c), the displacement of the central Sb atom from the N4-isoindole plane is about 0.22 Å greater than that observed for the As atom in AsIII phthalocyaninato(2-) complexes. This is quite reasonable, because of the difference between the ionic radii of AsIII and SbIII (Shannon, 1976), as well as because of the ionic attraction between the positively charged central AsIII atom of the [AsPc] unit with the oppositely charged atom I3 of the [As4I14]2− counter-ion.

A similar interaction between the positively charged central atom and I exists in the Sb phthalocyaninate structures. The influence of the As···I interaction is clearly manifested in the As—N coordination, leading to the molecular symmetry of the As—N4 core being close to Cs and not to C4v, consistent with the fully optimized ab initio molecular geometry calculations performed for the isolated and non-interacting [AsPc]+ cation (Janczak, 2002), which corresponds to the conformation in solution. The displacement of the As atom from the N4-plane is significantly greater [0.975 (3) Å] in the unique example of a partially oxidized iodine-doped AsIII phthalocyaninate-metal-free phthalocyanine complex (Janczak, Kubiak & Jezierski, 1999), due to the location of As between the two phthalocyaninate rings.

The anionic part of (I), [As4I14]2−, consists of two AsI6 deformed octahedra joined together by two bridging I atoms and two AsI5 deformed square pyramids, that are linked to the AsI6 octahedra to form the centrosymmetric [As4I14]2− counterion. The As—I bond lengths fall into groups, namely shorter As—I bonds, which show that the [As4I14]2− counterion consists of two pairs of AsI3 and AsI4 units, and longer As—I bonds, with the I bridging atoms. The distortion of the two joined AsI6 octahedra and the two AsI5 square polyhedra in the [As4I14]2− anion is likely to be due to the lone electron pair on the AsIII atom. This is in agreement with the steric effect of a lone electron pair predicted by the valence-shell electron-pair repulsion model (VSEPR; Gillespie, 1963, 1992).

Looking in more detail at the differences between the As—I bond lengths, as well as the coordination geometry around atoms As2 and As3, it is clear that they have different coordination. The square-pyramidal coordination of atom As2 joins three I atoms with relatively short As—I bonds, and with two I atoms it forms significantly longer As—I bonds. Atom As3 joins four I atoms with short As—I bonds and two I atoms with longer As—I bonds. The longer As—I bonds involve the I atoms that are linked to two As atoms, while the shorter bonds involve mainly terminal I atoms. A similar pattern of short and long M—I bonds is observed in the [Bi4I16]4− and [Sb4I16] counterions of the two isostructural Bi and Sb phthalocyaninate complexes (Kubiak & Ejsmont, 1999; Janczak & Idemori, 2002c). Alternatively, the [As4I14]2− anion can be regarded as composed of two pairs of symmetrically equivalent AsI3 and AsI4 units. However, the mutual orientation and arrangement of both AsI3 and AsI4 units related by an inversion centre in the crystal leads to the formation of an [As4I14]2− moiety.

The ionic attraction between the [AsPc]+ and [As4I14]2− ions seems to be significant (Fig. 2). The basic packing unit includes two [AsPc]+ macrocycles associated by an inversion center and an [As4I14]2− ion. The central atom As1 of the AsPc moiety interacts with atom I3, since the As···I contact of 3.801 (3) Å is shorter than the sum of the van der Waals radii of As and I atoms (Pauling, 1960). In the crystal (Fig. 2), pairs of [AsPc]+ macrocycles related by inversion are separated by 12.580 (5) Å (N4-isoindole-N4-isoindole distance). The centrosymmetric [(AsPc)(As4I14)(AsPc)] aggregates in the crystal form ππ interactions between adjacent pairs of Pc macrocycles. The stacks are inclined by 23.00 (3), 52.65 (3) and 43.83 (3)° to the a, b and c axes, respectively. The interplanar distance within the stack is 3.203 (5) Å. Strong ππ interactions are a common feature in the structures of phthalocyanine and its metal complexes (Nevin et al., 1987; Terekhov et al., 1996; Isago et al., 1997, 1998).

The electrical conductivity of (I), measured on a single-crystal along the stack, exhibits non-metallic character (dσ/dT > 0). At room temperature, the conductivity 4.5–5 × 10−6 Ω−1 cm−1.

Although the crystal of (I) is built up from oppositely charged [AsPc]+ and [As4I14]2− moieties, the compound does not possess the characteristic properties of ionic crystals. The solubility of this compound in polar solvents, such as water, methanol or ethanol, is insignificant, and it is only slightly soluble in pyridine, dimethylformamide, dimethyl sulfoxide, tetrahydrofuran, chloronaphthalene and other aromatic solvents. A search of the Cambridge Structural Database (Version?; Allen 2002) for structures containing both [MPc]+ and [M4I14]2− units showed no similar examples of phthalocyaninate complexes, so this As-phthalocyaninate complex is the first of this type to be structurally characterized.

Experimental top

Crystals of (I) were obtained by the direct reaction of pure powdered arsenic with phthalonitrile (Kubiak & Janczak, 1993) under a stream of iodine vapour at 493 K.

Refinement top

H atoms were treated as riding with a C—H distance of 0.93 Å.

Computing details top

Data collection: KM-4 CCD Software (Kuma Diffraction, 1999); cell refinement: KM-4 CCD Software; data reduction: KM-4 CCD Software; program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXS97 (Sheldrick, 1997); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 1997); molecular graphics: SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 1990); software used to prepare material for publication: SHELXL97.

Figures top
[Figure 1] Fig. 1. A view of the molecular structure of (a) the [AsPc]+ unit and (b) the [Ab4I14]2− counterion of (I). Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms are shown as small spheres of arbitrary radii [symmetry code: (i) −x, 1 − y, 1 − z].
[Figure 2] Fig. 2. The molecular packing in the unit cell of (I), showing the As···I interactions (dashed lines).
Bis{[phthalocyaninato(2-)]arsenic(III)} tetradecaiodotetraarsenic(III) top
Crystal data top
[As(C32H16N8)]2[As4I14]Z = 1
Mr = 3251.18F(000) = 1468
Triclinic, P1Dx = 2.713 Mg m3
Dm = 2.71 Mg m3
Dm measured by flotation in what
Hall symbol: -P 1Melting point: decomposition K
a = 12.081 (2) ÅMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
b = 12.600 (2) ÅCell parameters from 6210 reflections
c = 13.950 (3) Åθ = 3.3–26.7°
α = 82.32 (3)°µ = 7.97 mm1
β = 71.63 (3)°T = 293 K
γ = 83.05 (3)°Paralellepiped, black-violet
V = 1990.2 (7) Å30.44 × 0.15 × 0.14 mm
Data collection top
Kuma KM-4 with two-dimensional CCD area-detector
8037 independent reflections
Radiation source: fine-focus sealed tube6210 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Graphite monochromatorRint = 0.016
Detector resolution: 1024 x 1024 with blocks 2 x 2 pixels mm-1θmax = 26.7°, θmin = 3.3°
ω scansh = 1215
Absorption correction: analytical
face-indexed (SHELXTL; Sheldrick, 1990)
k = 1515
Tmin = 0.127, Tmax = 0.402l = 1717
15578 measured reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Secondary atom site location: difference Fourier map
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.027H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.057 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0294P)2]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.00(Δ/σ)max = 0.003
8037 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.60 e Å3
452 parametersΔρmin = 0.65 e Å3
0 restraintsExtinction correction: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 1997), Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4
Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methodsExtinction coefficient: 0.00059 (6)
Crystal data top
[As(C32H16N8)]2[As4I14]γ = 83.05 (3)°
Mr = 3251.18V = 1990.2 (7) Å3
Triclinic, P1Z = 1
a = 12.081 (2) ÅMo Kα radiation
b = 12.600 (2) ŵ = 7.97 mm1
c = 13.950 (3) ÅT = 293 K
α = 82.32 (3)°0.44 × 0.15 × 0.14 mm
β = 71.63 (3)°
Data collection top
Kuma KM-4 with two-dimensional CCD area-detector
8037 independent reflections
Absorption correction: analytical
face-indexed (SHELXTL; Sheldrick, 1990)
6210 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Tmin = 0.127, Tmax = 0.402Rint = 0.016
15578 measured reflections
Refinement top
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.0270 restraints
wR(F2) = 0.057H-atom parameters constrained
S = 1.00Δρmax = 0.60 e Å3
8037 reflectionsΔρmin = 0.65 e Å3
452 parameters
Special details top

Experimental. The measurement was performed on a KUMA KM-4 diffractometer equipped with a two-dimensional CCD area-detector. The ω scan technique was used, with Δω = 0.75° for one image. The 960 images for six different runs covered about 95% of the Ewald sphere. The lattice parameters were calculated using 258 reflections obtained from 50 images for 10 runs with different orientations in reciprocal space, and after data collection were refined on all reflections.

Geometry. All e.s.d.'s (except the e.s.d. in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell e.s.d.'s are taken into account individually in the estimation of e.s.d.'s in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between e.s.d.'s in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell e.s.d.'s is used for estimating e.s.d.'s involving l.s. planes.

Refinement. Refinement of F2 against ALL reflections. The weighted R-factor wR and goodness of fit S are based on F2, conventional R-factors R are based on F, with F set to zero for negative F2. The threshold expression of F2 > σ(F2) is used only for calculating R-factors(gt) etc. and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. R-factors based on F2 are statistically about twice as large as those based on F, and R- factors based on ALL data will be even larger.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
I10.14007 (2)0.66906 (2)0.34360 (2)0.05007 (8)
I20.04973 (2)0.61635 (2)0.599871 (18)0.04586 (7)
I30.20274 (2)0.63400 (2)0.177721 (19)0.04840 (8)
I40.09710 (3)0.84230 (2)0.38551 (3)0.06963 (10)
I50.31390 (3)0.54212 (3)0.45388 (3)0.07663 (11)
I60.51900 (3)0.77568 (3)0.39807 (3)0.06907 (10)
I70.59899 (3)0.54383 (3)0.22108 (3)0.08061 (11)
As10.23402 (3)0.91727 (3)0.04461 (3)0.03357 (9)
As20.42009 (4)0.67076 (4)0.30478 (4)0.05515 (12)
As30.05523 (3)0.63816 (3)0.38813 (3)0.03906 (10)
N10.3455 (2)0.9230 (2)0.1030 (2)0.0356 (7)
N20.4668 (2)1.0653 (2)0.1056 (2)0.0385 (7)
N30.2841 (2)1.0705 (2)0.0352 (2)0.0334 (6)
N40.1360 (2)1.1358 (2)0.1837 (2)0.0364 (7)
N50.0756 (2)0.9880 (2)0.1217 (2)0.0316 (6)
N60.0573 (2)0.8608 (2)0.1126 (2)0.0356 (7)
N70.1357 (2)0.8430 (2)0.0159 (2)0.0361 (7)
N80.2869 (3)0.7711 (2)0.1592 (2)0.0399 (7)
C10.3615 (3)0.8418 (3)0.1664 (3)0.0381 (8)
C20.4720 (3)0.8466 (3)0.2437 (3)0.0439 (9)
C30.5279 (3)0.7848 (3)0.3231 (3)0.0466 (9)
C40.6374 (3)0.8101 (4)0.3868 (3)0.0536 (11)
C50.6895 (4)0.8990 (4)0.3709 (3)0.0581 (12)
C60.6347 (3)0.9635 (3)0.2942 (3)0.0487 (10)
C70.5233 (3)0.9354 (3)0.2293 (3)0.0404 (9)
C80.4439 (3)0.9808 (3)0.1414 (3)0.0381 (9)
C90.3900 (3)1.1075 (3)0.0250 (3)0.0362 (8)
C100.4119 (3)1.1986 (3)0.0136 (3)0.0341 (8)
C110.5047 (3)1.2655 (3)0.0189 (3)0.0434 (9)
C120.4985 (3)1.3491 (3)0.0373 (3)0.0506 (11)
C130.4025 (3)1.3707 (3)0.1233 (3)0.0491 (10)
C140.3091 (3)1.3062 (3)0.1534 (3)0.0434 (9)
C150.3175 (3)1.2195 (3)0.0991 (3)0.0390 (9)
C160.2377 (3)1.1394 (3)0.1099 (3)0.0393 (8)
C170.0603 (3)1.0669 (3)0.1869 (3)0.0352 (8)
C180.0561 (3)1.0702 (3)0.2584 (3)0.0362 (8)
C190.1103 (3)1.1331 (3)0.3358 (3)0.0442 (9)
C200.2235 (3)1.1142 (4)0.3924 (3)0.0552 (11)
C210.2810 (3)1.0346 (3)0.3699 (3)0.0479 (10)
C220.2286 (3)0.9716 (3)0.2920 (3)0.0409 (9)
C230.1124 (3)0.9907 (3)0.2343 (3)0.0384 (9)
C240.0304 (3)0.9388 (3)0.1505 (3)0.0383 (9)
C250.0204 (3)0.8157 (3)0.0360 (3)0.0374 (8)
C260.0047 (3)0.7296 (3)0.0087 (3)0.0369 (8)
C270.1041 (3)0.6734 (3)0.0133 (3)0.0464 (9)
C280.1019 (4)0.5949 (3)0.0466 (3)0.0499 (10)
C290.0037 (4)0.5715 (3)0.1297 (3)0.0507 (10)
C300.0959 (4)0.6267 (3)0.1521 (3)0.0488 (10)
C310.0962 (3)0.7032 (3)0.0920 (3)0.0410 (9)
C320.1819 (3)0.7738 (3)0.0914 (3)0.0386 (8)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
I10.03352 (13)0.06031 (17)0.05398 (16)0.00404 (12)0.01486 (12)0.00649 (13)
I20.05039 (15)0.04536 (15)0.03614 (13)0.00687 (12)0.00399 (11)0.00420 (10)
I30.03833 (14)0.06077 (17)0.03991 (14)0.01447 (12)0.00229 (11)0.00216 (12)
I40.1052 (3)0.04647 (17)0.0705 (2)0.03018 (17)0.04276 (19)0.00902 (14)
I50.04972 (17)0.0941 (3)0.0809 (2)0.03012 (18)0.01815 (16)0.02663 (19)
I60.04821 (17)0.0753 (2)0.0884 (2)0.01425 (16)0.02117 (16)0.01537 (18)
I70.0622 (2)0.0930 (3)0.0830 (2)0.00308 (19)0.01381 (18)0.0196 (2)
As10.02712 (17)0.0376 (2)0.03404 (19)0.00241 (15)0.00896 (15)0.00195 (15)
As20.0404 (2)0.0689 (3)0.0568 (3)0.0147 (2)0.0181 (2)0.0087 (2)
As30.03171 (19)0.0435 (2)0.0405 (2)0.01045 (17)0.00990 (16)0.00509 (16)
N10.0297 (15)0.0420 (17)0.0325 (15)0.0052 (13)0.0088 (13)0.0052 (13)
N20.0328 (15)0.0398 (17)0.0365 (16)0.0066 (13)0.0013 (13)0.0005 (13)
N30.0204 (13)0.0383 (16)0.0361 (16)0.0030 (12)0.0041 (12)0.0042 (13)
N40.0283 (15)0.0425 (17)0.0368 (16)0.0044 (13)0.0080 (13)0.0013 (13)
N50.0243 (13)0.0359 (15)0.0337 (15)0.0066 (12)0.0092 (12)0.0044 (12)
N60.0288 (15)0.0393 (17)0.0352 (16)0.0139 (13)0.0028 (13)0.0019 (13)
N70.0300 (15)0.0324 (16)0.0459 (18)0.0033 (13)0.0136 (13)0.0022 (13)
N80.0343 (16)0.0442 (18)0.0397 (17)0.0032 (14)0.0122 (14)0.0034 (14)
C10.0333 (18)0.040 (2)0.038 (2)0.0032 (16)0.0090 (16)0.0059 (16)
C20.036 (2)0.050 (2)0.045 (2)0.0011 (18)0.0157 (17)0.0017 (18)
C30.041 (2)0.051 (2)0.044 (2)0.0026 (18)0.0055 (18)0.0164 (19)
C40.040 (2)0.072 (3)0.043 (2)0.010 (2)0.0056 (18)0.017 (2)
C50.036 (2)0.086 (3)0.042 (2)0.000 (2)0.0002 (19)0.005 (2)
C60.033 (2)0.056 (3)0.049 (2)0.0040 (19)0.0037 (18)0.0008 (19)
C70.0308 (18)0.044 (2)0.042 (2)0.0040 (16)0.0084 (16)0.0001 (17)
C80.0285 (17)0.040 (2)0.040 (2)0.0025 (16)0.0084 (16)0.0133 (16)
C90.0292 (17)0.0373 (19)0.040 (2)0.0043 (15)0.0097 (15)0.0042 (15)
C100.0247 (16)0.0355 (19)0.0370 (19)0.0012 (15)0.0062 (15)0.0048 (15)
C110.0317 (19)0.050 (2)0.043 (2)0.0038 (17)0.0053 (17)0.0012 (18)
C120.036 (2)0.041 (2)0.070 (3)0.0116 (18)0.013 (2)0.012 (2)
C130.043 (2)0.039 (2)0.065 (3)0.0008 (18)0.017 (2)0.0062 (19)
C140.0328 (19)0.043 (2)0.054 (2)0.0022 (17)0.0109 (17)0.0086 (18)
C150.0246 (17)0.038 (2)0.052 (2)0.0021 (15)0.0097 (16)0.0015 (17)
C160.0291 (18)0.045 (2)0.044 (2)0.0076 (16)0.0128 (16)0.0014 (17)
C170.0262 (17)0.040 (2)0.0379 (19)0.0023 (15)0.0090 (15)0.0011 (16)
C180.0249 (16)0.0382 (19)0.039 (2)0.0044 (15)0.0030 (15)0.0033 (15)
C190.0318 (19)0.049 (2)0.050 (2)0.0002 (17)0.0096 (17)0.0057 (18)
C200.038 (2)0.073 (3)0.050 (2)0.002 (2)0.0056 (19)0.010 (2)
C210.0265 (18)0.068 (3)0.040 (2)0.0026 (19)0.0006 (16)0.0004 (19)
C220.0277 (17)0.045 (2)0.045 (2)0.0044 (16)0.0083 (16)0.0071 (17)
C230.0214 (16)0.046 (2)0.042 (2)0.0069 (15)0.0072 (15)0.0148 (16)
C240.0207 (16)0.046 (2)0.045 (2)0.0090 (15)0.0089 (15)0.0094 (17)
C250.0320 (18)0.038 (2)0.042 (2)0.0017 (16)0.0134 (16)0.0005 (16)
C260.0365 (19)0.0295 (18)0.051 (2)0.0085 (16)0.0231 (17)0.0043 (16)
C270.042 (2)0.049 (2)0.048 (2)0.0061 (19)0.0143 (18)0.0001 (19)
C280.047 (2)0.045 (2)0.063 (3)0.0097 (19)0.025 (2)0.001 (2)
C290.063 (3)0.042 (2)0.056 (3)0.011 (2)0.029 (2)0.0019 (19)
C300.052 (2)0.056 (3)0.045 (2)0.004 (2)0.024 (2)0.0051 (19)
C310.041 (2)0.042 (2)0.041 (2)0.0071 (17)0.0138 (17)0.0024 (17)
C320.0367 (19)0.0358 (19)0.044 (2)0.0036 (16)0.0145 (17)0.0008 (16)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
I1—As32.5963 (7)C5—H50.9300
I2—As32.8133 (10)C6—C71.420 (5)
I3—As32.9182 (11)C6—H60.9300
I4—As32.6742 (8)C7—C81.436 (5)
I5—As22.5533 (12)C9—C101.416 (5)
I6—As22.5868 (9)C10—C151.394 (5)
I7—As22.5816 (12)C10—C111.407 (5)
As1—N72.028 (3)C11—C121.377 (6)
As1—N52.039 (3)C11—H110.9300
As1—N32.068 (3)C12—C131.411 (6)
As1—N12.073 (3)C12—H120.9300
As1—I33.8004 (13)C13—C141.394 (5)
As2—I33.7011 (10)C13—H130.9300
As2—I44.1238 (15)C14—C151.387 (5)
As3—I53.5590 (10)C14—H140.9300
As3—I2i3.1964 (9)C15—C161.440 (5)
N1—C81.390 (4)C17—C181.446 (4)
N1—C11.397 (5)C18—C191.371 (5)
N2—C81.327 (5)C18—C231.407 (5)
N2—C91.338 (5)C19—C201.377 (5)
N3—C161.382 (5)C19—H190.9300
N3—C91.387 (4)C20—C211.407 (6)
N4—C171.322 (4)C20—H200.9300
N4—C161.333 (4)C21—C221.374 (5)
N5—C171.393 (5)C21—H210.9300
N5—C241.409 (4)C22—C231.412 (5)
N6—C241.295 (5)C22—H220.9300
N6—C251.322 (4)C23—C241.446 (5)
N7—C321.392 (5)C25—C261.427 (5)
N7—C251.413 (4)C26—C271.398 (5)
N8—C11.316 (5)C26—C311.434 (5)
N8—C321.321 (5)C27—C281.370 (6)
C1—C21.429 (5)C27—H270.9300
C2—C31.386 (5)C28—C291.407 (6)
C2—C71.409 (5)C28—H280.9300
C3—C41.387 (5)C29—C301.392 (6)
C4—C51.423 (6)C30—C311.360 (5)
C5—C61.378 (6)C31—C321.447 (5)
N7—As1—N583.18 (12)N2—C9—N3128.1 (3)
N7—As1—N3137.15 (11)N2—C9—C10122.1 (3)
N5—As1—N382.03 (11)N3—C9—C10109.8 (3)
N7—As1—N182.21 (12)C15—C10—C11119.8 (3)
N5—As1—N1137.90 (11)C15—C10—C9107.7 (3)
N3—As1—N182.43 (12)C11—C10—C9132.5 (3)
N1—As1—I3113.51 (9)C12—C11—C10117.6 (3)
N3—As1—I3149.95 (8)C12—C11—H11121.2
N5—As1—I399.02 (8)C10—C11—H11121.2
N7—As1—I372.21 (8)C11—C12—C13122.6 (4)
I5—As2—I799.50 (4)C11—C12—H12118.7
I5—As2—I699.29 (3)C13—C12—H12118.7
I7—As2—I698.39 (3)C14—C13—C12119.7 (4)
I1—As3—I499.68 (3)C14—C13—H13120.2
I1—As3—I295.52 (3)C12—C13—H13120.2
I4—As3—I292.79 (4)C15—C14—C13117.6 (4)
I1—As3—I394.68 (3)C15—C14—H14121.2
I4—As3—I390.53 (4)C13—C14—H14121.2
I2—As3—I3168.59 (2)C14—C15—C10122.6 (3)
I1—As3—I5168.89 (2)C14—C15—C16131.4 (3)
I1—As3—I2i90.83 (3)C10—C15—C16105.9 (3)
I3—As2—I6155.07 (2)N4—C16—N3127.6 (3)
I3—As2—I7103.73 (3)N4—C16—C15122.5 (4)
I3—As2—I588.36 (3)N3—C16—C15109.9 (3)
I3—As2—I460.80 (3)N4—C17—N5127.0 (3)
I4—As2—I696.74 (3)N4—C17—C18122.0 (3)
I4—As2—I7164.53 (2)N5—C17—C18110.8 (3)
I4—As2—I581.16 (3)C19—C18—C23122.7 (3)
I2—As3—I2i86.47 (3)C19—C18—C17131.8 (3)
As1—I3—As3110.72 (3)C23—C18—C17105.5 (3)
As2—I3—As378.83 (2)C18—C19—C20117.3 (4)
As2—I4—As373.87 (3)C18—C19—H19121.3
As2—I5—As386.36 (3)C20—C19—H19121.3
C8—N1—C1106.4 (3)C19—C20—C21120.9 (4)
C8—N1—As1125.7 (2)C19—C20—H20119.6
C1—N1—As1123.9 (2)C21—C20—H20119.6
C8—N2—C9121.1 (3)C22—C21—C20122.6 (3)
C16—N3—C9106.6 (3)C22—C21—H21118.7
C16—N3—As1124.2 (2)C20—C21—H21118.7
C9—N3—As1125.9 (2)C21—C22—C23116.5 (4)
C17—N4—C16121.0 (3)C21—C22—H22121.8
C17—N5—C24106.8 (3)C23—C22—H22121.8
C17—N5—As1124.4 (2)C18—C23—C22120.0 (4)
C24—N5—As1124.3 (2)C18—C23—C24108.3 (3)
C24—N6—C25120.3 (3)C22—C23—C24131.6 (4)
C32—N7—C25106.6 (3)N6—C24—N5129.2 (3)
C32—N7—As1124.0 (2)N6—C24—C23122.3 (3)
C25—N7—As1124.4 (2)N5—C24—C23108.5 (3)
C1—N8—C32121.9 (3)N6—C25—N7128.1 (3)
N8—C1—N1126.3 (3)N6—C25—C26122.6 (3)
N8—C1—C2123.5 (3)N7—C25—C26109.3 (3)
N1—C1—C2110.2 (3)C27—C26—C25132.4 (4)
C3—C2—C7120.9 (3)C27—C26—C31119.4 (3)
C3—C2—C1132.5 (4)C25—C26—C31108.1 (3)
C7—C2—C1106.7 (3)C28—C27—C26118.4 (4)
C4—C3—C2118.8 (4)C28—C27—H27120.8
C2—C3—H3120.6C27—C28—C29121.7 (4)
C3—C4—C5120.0 (4)C27—C28—H28119.1
C5—C4—H4120.0C30—C29—C28120.3 (4)
C6—C5—C4122.5 (4)C30—C29—H29119.8
C4—C5—H5118.7C31—C30—C29118.7 (4)
C5—C6—C7116.5 (4)C31—C30—H30120.6
C7—C6—H6121.7C30—C31—C26121.3 (3)
C2—C7—C6121.3 (4)C30—C31—C32133.8 (4)
C2—C7—C8106.7 (3)C26—C31—C32104.8 (3)
C6—C7—C8132.0 (4)N8—C32—N7127.8 (3)
N2—C8—N1127.6 (3)N8—C32—C31121.1 (3)
N2—C8—C7122.4 (3)N7—C32—C31111.0 (3)
N1—C8—C7110.0 (3)
Symmetry code: (i) x, y+1, z+1.

Experimental details

Crystal data
Chemical formula[As(C32H16N8)]2[As4I14]
Crystal system, space groupTriclinic, P1
Temperature (K)293
a, b, c (Å)12.081 (2), 12.600 (2), 13.950 (3)
α, β, γ (°)82.32 (3), 71.63 (3), 83.05 (3)
V3)1990.2 (7)
Radiation typeMo Kα
µ (mm1)7.97
Crystal size (mm)0.44 × 0.15 × 0.14
Data collection
DiffractometerKuma KM-4 with two-dimensional CCD area-detector
Absorption correctionAnalytical
face-indexed (SHELXTL; Sheldrick, 1990)
Tmin, Tmax0.127, 0.402
No. of measured, independent and
observed [I > 2σ(I)] reflections
15578, 8037, 6210
(sin θ/λ)max1)0.633
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)], wR(F2), S 0.027, 0.057, 1.00
No. of reflections8037
No. of parameters452
H-atom treatmentH-atom parameters constrained
Δρmax, Δρmin (e Å3)0.60, 0.65

Computer programs: KM-4 CCD Software (Kuma Diffraction, 1999), KM-4 CCD Software, SHELXS97 (Sheldrick, 1997), SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 1997), SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 1990), SHELXL97.

Selected geometric parameters (Å, º) top
I1—As32.5963 (7)As1—N52.039 (3)
I2—As32.8133 (10)As1—N32.068 (3)
I3—As32.9182 (11)As1—N12.073 (3)
I4—As32.6742 (8)As1—I33.8004 (13)
I5—As22.5533 (12)As2—I33.7011 (10)
I6—As22.5868 (9)As2—I44.1238 (15)
I7—As22.5816 (12)As3—I53.5590 (10)
As1—N72.028 (3)As3—I2i3.1964 (9)
N7—As1—N583.18 (12)I4—As3—I390.53 (4)
N7—As1—N3137.15 (11)I2—As3—I3168.59 (2)
N5—As1—N382.03 (11)I1—As3—I5168.89 (2)
N7—As1—N182.21 (12)I1—As3—I2i90.83 (3)
N5—As1—N1137.90 (11)I3—As2—I6155.07 (2)
N3—As1—N182.43 (12)I3—As2—I7103.73 (3)
N1—As1—I3113.51 (9)I3—As2—I588.36 (3)
N3—As1—I3149.95 (8)I3—As2—I460.80 (3)
N5—As1—I399.02 (8)I4—As2—I696.74 (3)
N7—As1—I372.21 (8)I4—As2—I7164.53 (2)
I5—As2—I799.50 (4)I4—As2—I581.16 (3)
I5—As2—I699.29 (3)I2—As3—I2i86.47 (3)
I7—As2—I698.39 (3)As1—I3—As3110.72 (3)
I1—As3—I499.68 (3)As2—I3—As378.83 (2)
I1—As3—I295.52 (3)As2—I4—As373.87 (3)
I4—As3—I292.79 (4)As2—I5—As386.36 (3)
I1—As3—I394.68 (3)
Symmetry code: (i) x, y+1, z+1.

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