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Results 1 to 10 of 14, sorted by name.

Dr Anthony C. Willis   Anthony C. Willis (Australian National University, Research School of Chemistry, Australia)
General scientific interests: chemical crystallography, organometallic compounds, small molecules.
Detailed scientific research interests: organometallic chemistry, small molecule.
Search for papers by Willis, A.C. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Dr Joseph S. Brunzelle   Joseph S. Brunzelle (Molecular Pharmacology and Biological Chemistry, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, USA)
General scientific interests: macromolecular crystallography.
Detailed scientific research interests: computational chemistry, protein structure function, small-molecule crystallography.
Search for papers by Brunzelle, J.S. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Dr Zofia Urbanczyk-Lipkowska   Zofia Urbanczyk-Lipkowska (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kasprzaka Str. 44/52, Poland)
General scientific interests: crystal chemistry, crystal engineering.
Detailed scientific research interests: organic chemistry, small-molecule crystallography, structure-activity relationship.
Search for papers by Urbanczyk-Lipkowska, Z. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Professor Brian Warwick Skelton   Brian Warwick Skelton (School of Molecular Sciences, The University of Western Australia, Australia)
General scientific interests: chemical crystallography, coordination chemistry, small molecules.
Detailed scientific research interests: chemistry, coordination, small molecule, X-ray structure determination.
Search for papers by Skelton, B.W. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Dr Bruce C. Noll   Bruce C. Noll (7517 East Pass, Madison, USA)
General scientific interests: chemical crystallography, coordination chemistry, disorder, instrumentation, twinning.
Detailed scientific research interests: bioinorganic chemistry, coordination chemistry, small-molecule area detector, structural disorder, twinning.
Search for papers by Noll, B.C. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Dr Sumy Joseph   Sumy Joseph (Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, India)
General scientific interests: ceramics, cryocrystallography, crystal chemistry, crystal growth, X-ray diffraction.
Detailed scientific research interests: Organic small molecule crystallography, cryocrystallography and, synthone identification and structural chemistry.
Search for papers by Joseph, S. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Dr Fabrizio Ortu   Fabrizio Ortu (Department of Chemistry, University of Leicester, United Kingdom)
General scientific interests: chemical crystallography, coordination chemistry, inorganic compounds, organometallic compounds, X-ray diffraction.
Detailed scientific research interests: Actinide Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Lanthanide Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Small molecule activation, Structural Chemistry.
Search for papers by Ortu, F in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Dr Joel D. Oliver   Joel D. Oliver (104 ArrowheadRd, Georgetown, USA)
General scientific interests: biological crystallography, chemical crystallography, instrumentation, structural biology, structural chemistry.
Detailed scientific research interests: biological chemistry, NMR, protein crystallography, small-molecule crystallography, structure-function relationships.
Search for papers by Oliver, J.D. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Dr A. Alan Pinkerton   A. Alan Pinkerton (Department of Chemistry MS#602, University of Toledo, USA)
General scientific interests: charge density, chemical crystallography, coordination chemistry, cryocrystallography, X-ray diffraction.
Detailed scientific research interests: cryocrystallography, energetic materials, estrogens and androgens, experimental charge densities, lanthanide and actinide chemistry, phosphorus and sulfur chemistry, small-molecule-crystallography.
Search for papers by Pinkerton, A.A. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Dr Alan R. Kennedy   Alan R. Kennedy (Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom)
General scientific interests: chemical crystallography, coordination chemistry, organometallic compounds, small molecules, structure determination.
Detailed scientific research interests: databases for small molecule property correlation, dyes and pigments, organometallics, pharmaceuticals, s-block chemistry, salt selection, systematic structural studies.
Search for papers by Kennedy, A.R. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

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