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Professor Susan Ann Bourne   Susan Ann Bourne (Department of Chemistry, University of Cape Town, South Africa)
General scientific interests: chemical crystallography, coordination chemistry, crystal engineering, data collection and processing, databases.
Detailed scientific research interests: crystal engineering, metal organic networks, organic clathrates.
Search for papers by Bourne, S.A. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Professor Bakhtiyar Tulyaganovich Ibragimov   Bakhtiyar Tulyaganovich Ibragimov (Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, H. Abdullaev Str. 83 , Uzbekistan)
General scientific interests: organic compounds, polymorphism, structure determination.
Detailed scientific research interests: crystal-structure determination, crystalline pharmaceuticals, cyclodextrines, inclusion compounds, organic crystal chemistry, pseudopolymorphism of the clathrates.
Search for papers by Ibragimov, B.T. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Dr Samat Abdilakhatovich Talipov   Samat Abdilakhatovich Talipov (Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Mirzo Ulughbek Str. 83, Uzbekistan)
General scientific interests: chemical crystallography, crystal chemistry, data collection and processing, hydrogen bonding, molecular recognition, organic compounds, polymorphism, structure determination.
Detailed scientific research interests: calixarenes, clathrates, complex compounds, crown ethers, cyclodextrines, organic crystal chemistry, QSAR, X-ray crystallography.
Search for papers by Talipov, S.A. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed