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Dr Lionel Costenaro   Lionel Costenaro (Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
General scientific interests: biological crystallography, drug design, small-angle scattering, structural biology.
Detailed scientific research interests: biocrystallography, biological macromolecular structure and interactions, crystallogenesis, small-angle scattering in solution, structure function relationships.
Search for papers by Costenaro, L. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Miss Dannielle Kydd-Sinclair   Dannielle Kydd-Sinclair (School of Biological Sciences, University of Reading, United Kingdom)
General scientific interests: drug design, molecular modelling, proteins, structural biology, structure-activity relationships.
Detailed scientific research interests: biological macromolecular crystallography, biological structure-activity relationships, bound ligand interactions, computational drug design, computer-aided molecular design, DNA binding, drug QSAR, homology modelling, protein crystallography drug design protein-ligand interactions, protein-DNA interactions, QSAR.
Search for papers by Kydd-Sinclair, D in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Ms Stefana N   Stefana N (Institute of Neuroimmunology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia (Slovak Republic))
General scientific interests: clusters, computer graphics, computing, NMR, X-ray diffraction.
Detailed scientific research interests: , applied crystallography, binding, biocomputing, biological crystallography, biological interactions, biological small molecules, computer modelling, computer science, computer-aided design, conformational change, data processing, data reduction, data validation, ligand-protein interactions, macromolecular crystallography drug design, NMR spectroscopy, ab-initio structure determination.
Search for papers by N, S in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed

Dr Burcu Kaplan Turkoz   Burcu Kaplan Turkoz (Department of Food Engineering, Ege University, Turkey)
General scientific interests: macromolecular crystallography, proteins, small-angle scattering, structural biology, structure-activity relationships.
Detailed scientific research interests: biochemistry, bioinformatics, biological macromolecular assemblies, biophysical analysis, enzyme structure-function, GTP-binding proteins, immune system, ligand-receptor interactions, membrane associated proteins, molecular biology, protein overexpression, protein purification methods, signal transduction, structural biology, virulence factors.
Search for papers by Kaplan Turkoz, B. in Crystallography Journals Online | Google Scholar | Pubmed